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Western Wynandir


0 B.D. 10000 P.D.

  • 0 PD

    1 Horisal

    The Divergence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    To protect their surviving mortal creations, the Prime Deities forged the Divine Gate and banished themselves and the Betrayer Gods to the realms beyond it, locking all divinity from direct access to the Material Plane.

  • 435 PD

    Rise of the Julous Dominion
    More reading
    Julous Dominion
    Additional timelines
  • 450 PD

    Founding of Rexxentrum

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  • 539 PD

    Coronation of Emperor Manfried Dwendal
    More reading
    Dwendalian Empire
    Additional timelines
  • 545 PD

    547 PD


    The Marrow War
    Military action

    Emperor Manfried redirects rage over internal conflict outward and wages war on the Julous Dominion over 16 months, eventually subjugating them and bringing them into the empire.

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  • 554 PD

    3 Unndilar

    Eve of Crimson Midnight
    Criminal Activity

    The rivalry between highborn magic practitioners from the Julous Dominion erupts into an all-out magical conflict in the streets of Rexxentrum. Everyone involved is taken to the king for judgement, and the Cerberus Assembly is born.

    More reading
    Cerberus Assembly
    Additional timelines
  • 554 PD


    Coronation of King Manfried Dwendal
    Political event

    "Emperor" is too intimidating a title, so Manfried changes it to "king".

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  • 585 PD

    Corruption of Molaesmyr
    Geological / environmental event

    A wave of purple-gray shadow rapidly creeps from the center of Molaesmyr to engulf the city and, eventually, the entire Veluthil Forest.

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  • 665 PD

    710 PD

    Reign of King Alfwin Dwendal
    Political event

    King Alfwin Dwendal increases the empire's military power by establishing the stronghold of Bladegarden and assimilating Grimgolir into the empire, seeking to hold back the savage creatures of Xhorhas.

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  • 710 PD

    750 PD

    Reign of King Theoderich Dwendal
    Political event

    King Theoderich's benevolent nature brokers the partnership with the Clovis Concord of the Menagerie Coast without bloodshed and ushers in new opportunities for trade with the rest of Exandria

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  • 750 PD

    790 PD

    Reign of King Willamar Dwendal
    Political event

    King Willamar Dwendal establishes the initial prominence of House Truscan and grants them oversight of the Truscan Vale, to the displeasure of the other noble houses.

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  • 790 PD

    Coronation of King Bertrand Dwendal
    Political event

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  • 835 PD

    3 Fessuran
    836 PD

    11 Unndilar

    The War of Ash and Light
    Military action

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