Session 1: Welcome to Extrayus Report

General Summary

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”

10th of Satta 795 AC

  It all started aboard a lowly Merchant Ship The Hellish Insanity, Captained by the mysterious "V", and his crew The Lost Souls. Sailing to the MyrRin Continent to deliver some cargo and a hooded woman seeking passage. Unbeknownst to Captain V, his cargo below deck began to stir....  
Below deck, the creature known as BogBean finally regaining her strength, managed to rip her way out of the crate she was trapped in. In the dark dank depths below deck bogbean in a desperate attempt to find something to eat began destroying the other cargo containers. In them she found the severed head and body of a rather pungent creature speaking a strange tongue, eventually discovering a common language the creature identified himself as Bricky von Wallenstein. The last crate, much to her surprise, contained a small Blue scaled creature rocking out with his tiny electric lute with stage effects, thinking that this was his grand entrance. This was Miguel The Magnificent, a young bard seeking stardom and told a web of lies. In his sadness discovering he had been tricked Miguel broke down and after finding a strange substance in one of the other boxes below deck fell under in intoxicating powers. Seeing her opportunity and be Struck by her Primal Hunger Bogbean struck biting the tail off of Miguel in his dazed state....  
  With the sounds of wailing kobold coming from below deck, Bogbean and her newly rebuilt friend tried to find a way out before being discovered. Finding that the only way out was the grated opening above them. Upon lifting the grate though the gig was up.... For on deck they found the strange bewildered eyes of Captain V, Luna , and Sarsoon Quartermaster of the Hellish Insanity. With Daggers drawn and tensions raised, the stand off between crew and cargo began, after sensing that these creatures were not a threat Captain V commanded his quartermaster to stand down not wishing to see any harm come to the ship. Luna took to a particular liking to the creature known as BogBean. Once the dust had settled the Travelers arrived at the Trading Port known as Kal-Marha. Little did they know that the Fey Creature known as Drexla Goldsprocket has be observing them for quite sometime   
  Upon Disembarking the ship, the travelers were approached by a tall Black furred Leonin named Tobias Shadowmane, a Cook by trade, who promised them a delightfully cheap meal at his cart. The travelers choose to follow this Leonin Chef to his humble cooking cart just outside the Trade Port. After some haggling on prices and some delicious meat bun the Travelers began conversing and introducing themselves to each other. Learning that Tobias was traveling to the Festival of Umanyano. Some of the Traveler's wished to attend the festival and others saw it as an opportunity to make some quick cash or gather information. With a request to the Tradeswoman known as Sodia head of the Mastadori Trade Caravan. All the Traveler's joined the Caravan headed to the Holy City of Arnknoka a 3 week journey. Once again this group of Travelers found themselves headed in the same direction.   

Character(s) interacted with

Sodia, Naz , Golkir Tazzire, Sarsoon
Extrayus Campaign
Tobias Shadowmane
Drexla Goldsprocket
Neutral Evil Fairy (Extrayus Artificer)
Artificer 2
18 / 18 HP
Bricky von Wallenstein
Player Journals
Friends!! by Drexla Goldsprocket
Captain's Log 1 by Varanus
Luna's Journey by Luna
Report Date
20 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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