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Session 2: Making a name

General Summary

An extract from the humble tome’s of the epic “Through Darkness Until the Light; The Fall of an Empire” by Saramonus the Pure ; lover, bard, free spirt, official chronicler & part time accountant. Volume 1, Chapter 5.  

Banities & Prisoners

Our three heroes once again met under the Tea Kettle's roof, eager for work and to dispense justice. Fate once again rewarded them, as they were approached by a distraught gnome by the name of Rilo Leadstopper. His tearaway daughter Vilonah, had been arrested by the notorious Black Fists but the twist in this tale was that at the Black Gate, the Black Fists had no knowledge of his daughter, nor was she in the castle prison. Expending a small fortune in brides and through his contacts, he eventually discovered she had been taken to a secret facility, located beneath the Temple of Lathander and in the ruins of the Lyceum of the Black Lord, the temple once dedicated to the god Bane. Fearing no evil, they spared not a moment’s hesitation in gallantly offering to rescue the girl (albeit after the offer of 100gp and the potential promise of more on delivery). Charging in without delay, they cut down the guards plus their hound of immense evil. Capturing one did they reveal that so committed were these men to their evil cause that they rather commit gruesome suicide rather than reveal the truth of their masters. They released the prisoners, including two men claiming to be Welcomers Victor & Satha[however one did manage to fall onto an arrow and so wound himself in the process].  
Continuing their search, they discovered a larger chamber with dark obelisks devoted to Bane that drove fear and dread into their very heart. Overcoming this malice, they found the girl caged in the room, but not before they were attacked by a salviaous Grick. Though Dustinby was nearly devoured whole by the beast, his friends did cut him free from its maw before finishing the beast off. Freeing the girl, they were set upon by an elf Yilliva who held them at arrow point. After convincing him of their sincerity, he revealed himself as a pompous arse [paraphrasing] of the Order of the Gauntlet & that if they ever needed assistance smiting evil, he could be found in the Crooked Crown in Phlan's Old Town. Taking the girl back to her father, their beautiful embrace, was payment enough, plus actual payment. They discovered from the girl that she was running errands for the Order of the Gauntlet and discovered the location of a black dragon, but had not revealed it to the Banites. After some persausion, she did reveal it to our heroes. But what were the Banities interrogating people for? What was there interest in dragons? Dark things were clearly afoot.  

Electric Party in the Tea Kettle!

After time to recover their wounds, plus many hearty ales & women, it was a dark night but a busy one in the Tea Kettle. Out of the blue they were approached by a half-orc by the name of Buhrell Caah . She had approached them on the advice of Madame Freona and was a member of the Emerald Enclave on the trail of a draconic item that was to be sold this very night and needed their help in acquiring it. Ildreth took an instant dislike to her, his instincts not allowing him to trust ever again [read: not racist]. However, the party did agree to help and set about stealthily interrogating the tavern’s occupants. Ildreath met an elf, Sarrock, from who often ranged to the Quivering forest and took a shine to her. One could feel a charged atmosphere of kindred spirits between the two as conversation did flow. Whilst Ildreath was distracted, the remaining party found the buyer and item, they discovered it was a dragon tooth housing electrical magic they did begin to cause havoc in the tavern. However, some quick thinking and emergency amputation allowed them to contain it and apprehend the buyer, one Yanna Hammerbound who represented the Merchant's Alliance. Of the seller they discovered little, controlled as she was by dark and powerful magic and so had no memory of events, including how she mysteriously lost her hand. The party suspected Halda, a dragonkin who had been acting suspiciously and disappeared in the chaos.   Both the Emerald Enclave & Merchant’s Alliance bid for the item, one offering the moral solution, the other gold and influence. But such men of noble heart do not care for the trappings of gold nor a merchant’s promises and they gave the Dragon Tooth to the Emerald Enclave. Not only did they receive their reward and the Enclave’s thanks, Madame Freona was also impressed and gave them a round on the house, to which they did heartily indulge.

Rewards Granted

Total XP =160 XP per party member
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  • 25 XP - Freeing the prisoners
  • 50 XP - Rescuing Vilonah
  • 10XP - Discovering the location of a Black Dragon
  • 75 XP - Capturing the Lightening
Income - 203gp
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  • 100gp for rescuing Vilonah
  • 100gp for handing over the Dragon tooth to the Emerald Enclave
  • 3gp loose change from the Black Fist prison

Net Expenses - (-62) gp
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  • -30gp - 2 weeks room, board & living/drinking expenses
  • -10gp - compensation for women's missing hand
  • -10gp - "Because whores will have their trinkets"
  • -2gp - dry cleaning to remove Grick stains from Dustinby's clothes
  • -10gp - putting Dustinby's organsback in
  Total gp earned - 141gp   Total Party XP -360 XP
Total Party GP - 197 gp


  • The Black Fists who had captured the girl were most likely Banites (followers of Bane)
  • The party freed the four men imprisoned by the Banites, two of which were Welcomers
  • The Banites were interrogating folk for information on dragons
  • They made a contact with the Order of the Gauntlet
  • They had been given the location of a black dragon in the Dragonspine Mountains
  • They had aided the Emerald Enclave over the Merchant’s Alliance
  • A powerful mage had dominated an individual & tried to trade a dragonic item with the Merchant’s Alliance
Report Date
28 Oct 2018
Primary Location

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