The Lord's Alliance

"Threats to home must be terminated without prejudice. Superiority is our security."

A group of city-states dedicated to maintaining stability along the sword coast. The Alliance consists of Amphail, Baldur's Gate, Daggerford, Longsaddle, Mirabar, Mithral Hall, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Waterdeep, and Yartar. These towns and cities have agreed to share information and help defend each other against common threats such as orc hordes and Northlander pirates.   Ranks:   Renown 1: Cloak - You are recognized as an ally to the Lord's Alliance.   Renown 3: Redknife - You may utilize Alliance housing. Requests for assistance are permitted for up to 1d4+2 soldiers (1 squad). Quarters provide a poor lifestyle.   Renown 10: Stingblade - You are an important ally to the Alliance. You are actively sought for advice and may lead up to 4d4+8 (4 squads) soldiers on missions. Quarters available to you provide a modest lifestyle.   Renown 25: Warduke - An outpost comes under your command. You can command up to 20d4+40 (20 squads) soldiers. You receive intel updates from the Alliance. Your quarters provide a comfortable lifestyle.   Renown 50: Lioncrown - You gain command of a city's legion. You are in regular communication with the Council. Personal requests may be given to you. You draw a salary equivalent to a Wealthy lifestyle.  

Recent History

  • Jared Koren was rescued from the Tower of Daggerford.
  • The party defeated the threat posed by Tarven of the Forge.
  • The party rescued MacEwan Daggerford from the forces of Zehir.
Goals: Maintain order and stability along the Sword Coast and surrounding regions. This is paramount to keeping the flow of trade and preventing collapse of our city-states.   Quests: Destroy a creature that threatens trade routes. Protect a settlement from an incursion. Identify and contain threats to the Alliance. Procure artifacts that will bolster the strength of the Alliance.
Alliance, Generic
Beliefs: The stability of the Sword Coast is the lifeline of our society, and must be preserved at all costs. Each opinion in the Council holds the same sway. A threat to one is a threat to all.   Alignment: Usually Lawful Good


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