Realm Timeline

The Present Age of Faerun.

The Present Era

1358 DR and beyond

The four and a half centuries since the establishment of the Lords of Waterdeep have been tumultuous times for the Sword Coast and the world. Throughout this period, civilization struggles against the savage forces of chaos, and life attempts to persevere against the agents of death and strife, sometimes in places where even the gods themselves have not been exempt from destruction. The last one hundred fifty years have comprised one of the most cataclysmic periods in Faerûn’s history. On no fewer than three occasions, Toril has been shaken to its core by forces that have repeatedly rewritten the laws of reality.

  • 1358 DR

    The Time of Troubles
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The four and a half centuries since the establishment of the Lords of Waterdeep have been tumultuous times for the Sword Coast and the world. Throughout this period, civilization struggles against the savage forces of chaos, and life attempts to persevere against the agents of death and strife, sometimes in places where even the gods themselves have not been exempt from destruction. The last one hundred fifty years have comprised one of the most cataclysmic periods in Faerûn’s history. On no fewer than three occasions, Toril has been shaken to its core by forces that have repeatedly rewritten the laws of reality.

  • 1374 DR

    The Return of Netheril
    Political event

    In 1374 DR, the Empire of Netheril rose again when the floating city of Thultanthar, commonly known as Shade, returned from a nearly two-thousand-year-long excursion in the Shadowfell, to hover above the Anauroch desert. The shadow-touched nobles of the city almost immediately began hunting for ancient Netherese ruins and artifacts and preparing for a restoration of their once-great empire.

  • 1385 DR

    The Spellplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 1385 DR, the ascended deity Cyric, aided by Shar, murdered Mystra, the goddess of magic, in her domain of Dweomerheart. This act ripped asunder the fabric of magic in the world, unleashing its raw power in a catastrophe called the Spellplague. Thousands of practitioners of the Art were driven mad or killed, while the face of Faerûn was reshaped by waves and veils of mystic blue fire. Entire nations were displaced or exchanged with realms from other worlds, and parts of the earth were torn free to float in the air.

  • 1425 DR

    14 The Time of Flowers

    Erevan Meliamne is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1449 DR

    16 Highsun

    Aros Idoret is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1459 DR

    4 The Rotting

    Avrax is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1461 DR

    2 The Claw of Storms

    Kroushanc is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1465 DR

    12 Summertide

    Fapus Yorbroth is born
    Life, Birth

  • 1466 DR

    24 The Claw of Sunsets

    Adrian Avenicci is born
    Life, Birth

  • 1468 DR

    5 Highsun

    Guhrok is born
    Life, Birth

  • 1471 DR

    28 Leaffall

    Kumag is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1482 DR

    1489 DR

    The Second Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1491 DR

    1 Deepwinter

    The Party Forms
    Gathering / Conference

    The party gathered together to meet with Gerald Insik at Stillwater.

  • 1491 DR

    3 Deepwinter

    Rescue Outside Stillwater

    The party ventured into a cave overrun by Meenlocks to the north of Stillwater in order to rescue Illkin Lambbuster and his daughter Jade Lambbuster.

  • 1491 DR

    8 Deepwinter
    1491 DR

    11 Deepwinter

    The Raid of Julkoun
    Military action

    The party ventured to Julkoun after being told of an impending Orc raid. The party sallied forth and slew the head of the raiding party, G'ar Nak. This raid resulted in the death of Aros Idoret, and his subsequent sacrifice by Avrax to the god Zehir.

  • 1491 DR

    11 Deepwinter

    Aros Idoret is killed
    Life, Death

    Aros Idoret was killed by an Ettercap's poison while he was tied up in its web. His body was subsequently sacrificed to Zehir.

  • 1491 DR

    12 Deepwinter
    1491 DR

    15 Deepwinter

    The Tower of Daggerford
    Military action

    After prompting by the Nightingales, Adrian Avenicci convinced the party to join him on a quest to kill the Fiend behind the Julkoun raiding party. This took the party to a large abandoned tower north of Julkoun. The party successfully killed the Orcish Fiend, Karvax and liberated the tower. Avrax was killed in the fight with Karvax.

  • 1491 DR

    14 Deepwinter

    Avrax is killed
    Life, Death

    Avrax was killed by the Orcish Fiend Karvax via decapitation.

  • 1491 DR

    17 Deepwinter

    Urto Retires

    Urto retired to open a tavern inside of Daggerford.

  • 1491 DR

    18 Deepwinter

    Kroushanc and Guh'rok Arrive
    Gathering / Conference

    The pirates Kroushanc and Guh'rok arrived in Daggerford, joining the Boys after hearing of the "Skryites".

  • 1491 DR

    18 Deepwinter

    Avrax is Resurrected
    Life, Supernatural

    Avrax was resurrected and put into service by Zehir.

  • 1491 DR

    19 Deepwinter

    Destruction of Stillwater
    Disaster / Destruction

    The village of Stillwater was raided and destroyed by the "Skyrites" lead by Tarven of the Forge. Gerald Insik and Illkin Lambbuster were the only survivors.

  • 1491 DR

    20 Deepwinter
    1491 DR

    25 Deepwinter

    Crusade against the Skyrites
    Military action

    The party, quested by Lady Morwen Daggerford and aided by Elena Vaine of the Crescent Shield, successfully destroyed Tarven of the Forge's raiding operation. Along the way, they rescued the kidnapped boys of the village Warden. The party took control of his ship, the SS Stormforged.

  • 1491 DR

    30 Deepwinter
    1491 DR

    4 The Claw of Winter

    The Zehir Chronicles

    After Lady Daggerford son, MacEwan, was taken by mysterious forces the party was hired to investigate and retrieve MacEwan. They traveled to a Kazim's hut deep inside the Misty Forest. At Kazim's request, the party restored the heart of the forest and after defeating Zehir's forces, were blessed by Melora for their actions. After Kazim scried MacEwan, the party headed to the Halfway Inn to find passage into Evereska. Once inside Evereska, the party participated in festivities and prevented the collapse of the Mythal surrounding Evereska. After scrying MacEwan again, they determined he was taken to the Desertsmouth mountains.   The party traveled to The Ruins of Zehir and rescued MacEwan from Avrax and the dragon Malvax, releasing Fred from his book in the process.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 1491 DR

    2 The Claw of Winter

    Erevan Drunkenly Appears
    Gathering / Conference

    Erevan Meliamne joined the party in Evereska.

  • 1491 DR

    18 The Claw of Sunsets
    1491 DR

    22 The Claw of Sunsets

    Hunting a Death Tyrant

    The party accepted a quest to hunt a Death Tyrant that had been wreaking havoc along trade routes on the northern tip of the Moonshae Isles. Though Fapus Yorbroth was slain, it resulted in a large sum of gold and other valuables.

  • 1491 DR

    19 The Claw of Sunsets

    Fapus Yorbroth is Killed
    Life, Death

    Fapus Yorbroth was slain via disintegration beam after being turned to stone by a Death Tyrant.

  • 1491 DR

    20 The Claw of Sunsets

    Sarug Joins the Boys
    Gathering / Conference

    Sarug, the wizard, joined the Boys on their expedition to Waterdeep.

  • 1491 DR

    22 The Claw of Sunsets
    1491 DR

    24 The Claw of Sunsets

    Waterdeep Murder Mystery

    The Boys traveled to Waterdeep to discover the killer of Jared Koren's father. They discovered Kash Koren was killed by the Crooked Finger for his progressive policies. However, after killing Vilas, the Crooked Finger agent and nobleman responsible for his death, Fred appeared and began to destroy the area. Fred had temporarily joined forces with the Crooked Finger for seemingly unknown purposes. However, the party escaped with Kash Koren's death successfully avenged.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 1491 DR

    13 The Claw of Storms
    1491 DR

    14 The Claw of Storms

    The Artifacts of the Crooked Finger

    Following a note found on a Crooked Finger Agent's body, the Boys stole a Crooked Finger vessel with the help of the pirate Marco and departed for the island of Sinbarr. There they rescued the great ape Hurumba and captured half of a mysterious Orb.

  • 1491 DR

    23 The Claw of Storms

    Death of Adrian Avenicci
    Life, Death

    Adrian Avenicci was killed during the initial raid on the Wicker keep in the Moonshae Isles.

  • 1491 DR

    23 The Claw of Storms
    1491 DR

    25 The Claw of Storms

    The Downfall of Yelnik Wicker
    Military action

    The Boys entered a parley with the Pirate Lord Yelnik Wicker. Negotiations fell through, with Yelnik demanding the Boys' fleet and outpost in exchange for their lives. The Boys' outpost was attacked, and with the help of Marco and Hurumba, they drove Yelnik's forces back. The Boys launched a counterattack, and after a failed first strike, the Boys slew Yelnik Wicker and claimed both his land and fleet.

  • 1491 DR

    25 The Claw of Storms

    Aethen Howitzer Joins the Boys
    Gathering / Conference

    Aethen Howitzer, an artificer, joined the Boys after a run-in with them in the Moonshaes.

  • 1491 DR

    25 The Claw of Storms 12:00

    The Kingdom of Kroushan is Formed

    After securing the northeast of the Moonshaes, the Boys formed a promising new nation.

  • 1491 DR

    14 The Melting
    1491 DR

    27 The Melting

    Dealings with Nyekur and the Kingdom of Callidyr
    Political event

    The ancient dragon Nyekur came to the party and demanded tribute to exist within his territory. The Boys begrudgingly accepted and began to plan for his downfall. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Callidyr sent an emissary to establish formal relations with the new Kingdom. The Boys made payments for the lands ceded to them by Callidyr.

  • 1491 DR

    14 The Melting 02:00

    Kumag Departs

    Kumag departed quietly in the night, leaving his Sentinel Shield behind.

  • 1491 DR

    14 The Melting 08:00

    Ekan Kremlur Joins the Boys
    Gathering / Conference

    The Rune Knight Ekan Kremlur joined the Boys after hearing of the newly founded nation.

  • 1491 DR

    28 The Melting

    The Raid on Callidyr
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Boys launched a raid against the Keep of Callidyr. They convinced Nyekur to distract their main forces by unleashing him upon the city of Callidyr, killing hundreds if not thousands of innocents in the process. Though Nyekur was driven back by the arrival of Jared Koren and his men from Waterdeep, the Boys successfully assassinated the King of Callidyr, Derid Kendrick. This had massive destabilizing effects on Callidyr and the Moonshaes as a whole.

  • 1491 DR

    29 The Melting 08:00

    Battle with Nyekur
    Military action

    The Boys set a trap for Nyekur and summoned him to the village of Kroushan. He saw through the trap, however, and began to battle with the Boys. Ekan sacrificed himself by tripling his size and piledriving the Ancient Dragon into the trap, blowing himself up in the process. This severely harmed Nyekur, causing him to flee into a portal to the Plane of Fire. Sarug stabilized the portal, allowing them time to recover before pursuing him.

  • 1491 DR

    29 The Melting 16:00


    With Aethen attempting to leave the Boys following their morally questionable actions and battle with Nyekur, Guh'rok tried to strike him down. This led to a battle with Guh'rok and Avrax on one side and Aethen, Sarug, Erevan, and Kroushanc on the other. Guh'rok was put down and teleported away with Avrax. Aethen departed shortly thereafter. Erevan then attempted to kill or maim Kroushanc immediately after being revived by him and was promptly knocked unconscious. Erevan was released from a jail cell later that night by Sarug and disappeared for some time.

  • 1491 DR

    30 The Melting

    Zeal, Ilfein, and Ruah Join the Boys
    Gathering / Conference

    Following the loss of Erevan, Guh'rok, Ekan, and Erevan, the Boys recruited three mercenaries for hire. Ruah, the archer, Zeal, the lazy sorcerer, and Ilfein, the drow assassin.

  • 1491 DR

    5 The Time of Flowers

    Pursuit of Nyekur, Shortstack Join the Boys

    After recovering and recruiting new members, the Boys entered the portal to the Plane of Fire to find and kill Nyekur. They defeated the great elemental Tyrix with the help of a Cleric of Helm named Shortstack, who was transported to them by Helm himself. The Boys found Nyekur in the astral plane and killed him.

  • 1491 DR

    8 The Time of Flowers

    Fred Appears
    Diplomatic action

    Fred appeared in the newly named Ekanstead, coercing the Boys into traveling to the Kingdom of Ironmaster to remove the barrier preventing his entry. Fred held the village hostage and teleported the Boys to the North.

  • 1491 DR

    9 The Time of Flowers

    Minor Frost Giant Genocide

    The Boys met with the villagers of Ironsled. There, they agreed to help get rid of a frost giant threat in exchange for transit to the city of Ironmaster. After "Removing" the threat, Sven Ironside brought the Boys to Ironmaster to meet with Reegar, a noble dwarf of the city.

  • 1491 DR

    10 The Time of Flowers
    1491 DR

    11 The Time of Flowers

    Battle for Ironmaster
    Military action

    Inside Ironmaster, the Boys met with Shiven, a Bonestalker snow elf. She escorted the Boys inside of the Iron Keep. There, they battled and defeated King Ironside as well as the spirits of their former companions. Dylan, one of Fred's lieutenants, also appeared and battled before his death. King Ironside was spared, with the Boys taking his half of the Orb. They wiggled the weave, learning the Orb is capable of sealing away mortals and gods alike. They defied Fred, resulting in the destruction of Ekanstead. King Ironside pledged to help them, and being restored from his madness, swore to keep the Orb safe until they returned.

  • 1491 DR

    12 The Time of Flowers

    Infr'gedzik's Conquest
    Disaster / Destruction

    Fred began his conquest in earnest following his loss in Ironmaster. The Boys traveled to Secomber at the request of Ilkin Lambbuster. There, they met with the Grandmaster of the Order of the Hand Resolute. They learned Fred was constructing a massive portal linking to Cania, the 8th layer of Hell. With the help of Avrax, they traveled to the first layer of the Nine Hells, Avernus, with the goal of reaching Cania to cut off the source of Fred's portal.

  • 1491 DR

    13 The Time of Flowers


    The Boys battled along the River Styx, gaining the favor of Bel. The Archdevil put the party through several trials, which they passed. In exchange for half of Zeal's soul, he promised his aid in Cania and sent the Boys to next layer, Dis.

  • 1491 DR

    14 The Time of Flowers
    1491 DR

    15 The Time of Flowers


    Inside the infinite City of Dis, the Boys found and negotiated with Titivilus to gain entry to Dispater's tower. There, they reached the throneroom and battled with Dispater. After reaching a stalemate, Dispater granted them access to Minauros in exchange for them carrying a skull to Cania.

  • 1491 DR

    16 The Time of Flowers


    Inside the vast swamp of Minauros the Boys met with Zeema, a friendly tiefling. She took them to the casino that Bael regularly visits. There they gambled with Bael in a game of acidboarding. They were tricked into a false defeat, and battled Bael near his ship. They won, killing Bael. They boarded his ship on the Styx and paid a sum to its captain for transit to Stygia.

  • 1491 DR

    17 The Time of Flowers
    1491 DR

    21 The Time of Flowers


    The Boys were betrayed by their pilot, who intentionally grounded the ship inside of Phlegethos. They were ambushed by defeated their attackers. Kroushanc summoned a mummy lord shortly after, which they killed. After reaching Abyrimoch, the party negotiated with Gazra to access Stygia. He promised them passage if they would destroy the paladins in the Bastion of Justice.    However, they betrayed Gazra, siding with the Red Knights of the Bastion. They canceled the multiple oaths Zeal made, turning him mildly cannibalistic in the process but restoring his soul. Ruah gained 300 years of life after becoming a Red Knight by oath.    They laid siege to Abryimoch, killing Gazra in the process. However, they were nearly killed by the Ancient Dragon Turtle Azmania, guardian of Abriymoch. They were spared by the turtle, however. He negotiated their release to Stygia along with himself. Fierna, Archdevil of the plane, agreed, sending them all to Stygia.

  • 1491 DR

    22 The Time of Flowers
    1491 DR

    24 The Time of Flowers

    Stygia: The Venators

    The Boys arrived in Stygia. They traveled to the ice city of Tantlin on the back of Azmania, who departed shortly thereafter. There they met with several locals and learned of the three major groups in Tantlin: The Venators, Arcan, and the Unwilling. They were ambushed by the Venators but killed the attackers. The Boys tracked the leader of the Venators down, Zav, and learned of an artifact created by him to reopen the portals: the Script. They spared him, departing to track down the Script.

  • 1491 DR

    25 The Time of Flowers

    Stygia: The Unwilling

    The Boys tracked the Unwilling to a cave system underneath Tantlin called the Arcanium. There, they battled with the Unwilling for a moment before entering negotiations with Erevan. Erevan had survived his encounter with Guh'rok in Cormyr and been transported to Tantlin, where he established the Unwilling. Erevan explained that they would need a device constructed by Arcan to activate the Script.

  • 1491 DR

    26 The Time of Flowers

    Stygia: Arcan
    Military action

    The Boys traveled to the Arcan Keep to rescue Erevan's spy, Tarvek Trik. Though they rescued Tarvek and recovered the Translator, Tarvek's memory was wiped, and his notes were not fully recovered. The leader of Arcan, Zophas, defeated the party. He allowed them to retreat, however, under threat that the Script would be destroyed if they did not return. Without knowing how to activate the Translator, the Boys decided to recover and wait for Tarvek to relearn its operation.