

Seg is a changeling born to a woman named Naix, who led the Silver Sickle clan of changelings as Reno over twenty years ago. Naix was assassinated by their rival clan, the Shades of Shar, when Seg and his twin sister, Mairs, were three years old. Fearing that the assassins would target Naix's children, heirs to the mantle of Reno, the Silver Sickle sent the twins away to be raised by a trusted human friend on the southern border of the Sea of Fallen Stars. The circumstances of the twins' birth were kept secret from them as further protection.   When the twins reached the age of 16, a mail carrier approached their home and revealed himself as a changeling from the Silver Sickle clan. He explained that, having reached the age of maturity, the twins were responsible for returning to the Clan and leading them to a brighter future. Specifically, considering he was first born, Seg was named heir to the mantle of Reno, a blood-bound persona that only the twins possess which contains the knowledge and skill necessary for leading the clan. Seg, having enjoyed his carefree life alongside his sister, was not thrilled with the idea of forced leadership. That night, he proposed that he and Mairs flee and find a new home away from this responsibility. However, Mairs felt very differently and claimed that they owned their loyalty to their mother and her cause. Seg left that night, leaving the mantle of Reno in the care of his furious sister.   Seg wandered The Civilized West for some time, alone for the first time in his life. He struggled to fit in, as he was used to changing personas freely in the seclusion of his forest home, and was surprised to find that changelings are generally met with savage hostility outside of the protection of his home. Eventually, he found some success as a travelling storyteller.   At the age of 20, Seg performed for a small crowd in the streets of Baldur's Gate. After the show, he was unknowingly followed by a fan of his performance, Lyle Silvershield, who also happened to be the city's wealthiest and most powerful politician. Lyle witnessed Seg changing skins and therefore discovered his true nature as a changeling. Although Seg expected hostility, or even violence, from this discovery, Lyle instead commended his performance and suggested that he take it further by using his natural shapeshifting abilities during his stories. This of course meant revealing his true nature to the public, a risky move, but Lyle offered both physical and political protection from any retaliation stemming from the reveal.   Seg accepted Lyle's offer and moved into his estate located in the upper tiers of the city. Using his influence, Lyle arranged for Seg to perform for a high-class audience, usually consisting of the vampires comprising Baldur's Council of leaders. By changing skins and using magical effects to enhance his performance, Seg quickly became renowned as the best story teller in the city, and later, in Faerun. His shows, most often hosted by Lyle at his estate, were now in high demand. Access to his shows eventually became associated with a person's power, influence, or wealth.    

The 'Origins' Performance

During the Solstice Ball held at Silvershield Estate in celebration of the Summer Solstice Festival, 130 PU, Seg performed an original show entitled Origins, which told the origin stories of several notable historical figures. At the excitable request of the audience, Seg closed the performance by telling the intimate, if muddled, story of his own origin. Although he attempted to leave out key details in effort to protect his sister and her clan, an under cover Shade representing the Shades of Shar was in the audience and pieced things together. Now knowing that heirs to the mantle of Reno were alive, the Shades renewed their mission of destroying the Silver Sickle's leadership and began pursuing both Seg and Mairs.    

Sea Travel, Capture, and Rescue

Unbeknownst to him, Seg narrowly escaped assassination by the undercover Shade by leaving Baldur's Gate the next morning. He was being sent on an exploratory mission funded by Lyle-- a six-month trip around the Sword Sea in search of lost tales to be told at the next Solstice Festival. Seg boarded a ship known as The Fang of Balduran and made his way to Mintarn, the island capital belonging to The Drowned Fleet of pirates. Here, he stayed in Mintarn's embassy while befriending some of the Fleet Lords and pirates within the city, who provided leads on potentially captivating stories to be found in the surrounding islands.   Seg traveled to the Moonshae Isles in effort to find an uncontacted group of white dragonborn known as the Sintaran Tribe. However, upon his arrival in the tribe's forest, he was surprised to find that the dragonborn were only capable of communication through scent. His attempts at friendliness were misconstrued as aggression and Seg was forcibly driven from the island.   The Fang sailed north to the volcanic Iron Isle, where he landed in a small settlement known as the Iron Keep. During their stay, the city is raided by a small but powerful fleet of Red Death ships. The city is burned to the ground, and many people, including Seg, were captured as slaves and carried south on a ship known as The Cage. The Cage transported its cargo of captured slaves to Port Zi'teli, where Seg and the others were sold in a single batch to a wealthy man named Bagan Quife. The slaves were taken deep into the jungles of the Chultan Peninsula and imprisoned within an underground ruin Bagan called The Soular Temple. Bagan seemed to have purchased the slaves for use in experiments meant to cure his wife, Lilah, of her late-stage cancer. Often, the slaves were either killed or reanimated as undead as a result of Bagan's failed experiments.   Seg was apparently of high value to Bagan, who kept him isolated from the others. Over the course of weeks of imprisonment, Seg learned that he was to act as a vessel for Lilah's soul once his experiments resulted in success. However, Lilah's health declined rapidly and Bagan was forced to attempt the soul transfer before he was ready. However, the wizard was never able to complete the process, as he was interrupted by Eieb Dreago, Narcissa Crow, Rickemash, Anteries Solander, and Yuan-ton, who were leading Seg's rescue mission. Bagan killed Anteries in this battle, and Narcissa retaliated by executing Lilah. Seg was rescued by Eieb moments before Seg's death, after they had defeated the wizard.  

Return to Civilization

Seg was informed by his rescuers that they had been sent to find him by his sister, Mairs. A changeling named Sylph explained that the Silver Sickle was once more being hunted by the Shades of Shar due to his careless actions, and that they were hunting Seg, too. Seg agreed to travel to the Sickle's home base under Marsember for his own protection. However, he never made it to the Marsember base as it was destroyed by Professor Tandy Jenwell in the name of Shar.   Seg briefly returned to Baldur's Gate to reunite with Lyle and Tabitha, and in the process helped convince the Balduran Council to aid in a new 'War of the Gods' proposed by his sister. Although they accepted, Seg was charged with returning to Caer Castellin to aid his clan while remaining sheltered from attack.
Current Location
Shoulder length, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation