New Olamn Massacre

The New Olamn Massacre refers to the shattering of the New Olamn Bard's College's Melody Mount Walk in Waterdeep, 130 PU. This explosion led to the deaths of seven students who were performing in the tunnel as it collapsed.   

Crime Scene Investigation

Investigation of the explosion began the evening of the incident and was spear headed by Waterdeep's lead investigator, Truthfinder Rastin. After removing much of the rubble, Rastin noted that the floor of the tunnel was wet and found the bodies of six victims crushed to death near the tunnel entrance. The seventh victim was later located alone in the performance alcove with his head blown off his neck. Curiously, the victim's violin was found in its case nearby, indicating that he had not been playing it when the explosion occurred despite a strict schedule.     Several witnesses claim to have seen the trade prince Verinos Valancia exiting the tunnel immediately after the blast. Two witnesses were able to identify the man due to him yelling, "It was me! I, Verinos Valancia, destroyed this tunnel!" Other witnesses claim to have seen the newly crowned Arena of Teeth champions fleeing from the area shortly after, later identified as Eieb Dreago, Anteries Solander, Narcissa Crow, and Rickemash and confirmed to have arrived in the city the night prior.  


A trial began the following month, on the 29th of Flamerule when the above suspects were brought into custody by Guard Captain Anthony Friend. Yuan-ton was also put on trial for his association with the suspects. The trial proceeded under Judge Tara Foote, with Truthfinder Rastin leading questioning. Court Wizard Yenna Resinta stood by to prevent violations of court rules as described the Sentient's Rights Council.   Verinos admitted his presence in the city the morning of the massacre, but claims to have left an hour before the event, headed west across the Anauroch Desert with his bodyguards. However, Verinos' alibi remained unconfirmed. The others, outside of Yuan-ton, confirmed their presence at the scene of the crime but claim they were there simply to see the wonder of the Endless Melody. They said they had left the tunnel just before they heard the explosion, and fled the scene after seeing Verinos exit. When asked why they fled from the trade prince, Rickemash explained that he and Verinos were at odds after a fist fight days before, a fact confirmed by Verinos. Rickemash also commented that Verinos was bitter that he had lost the Arena of Teeth competition to them and may be setting them up as revenge. Verinos could not provide a possible motive for the others.   Judge Foote convicted Verinos Valancia based on eye-witness accounts, possible motive, and lack of alibi. Officially, he was convicted on the charges of destruction of property and seven counts of murder, and was sentenced to 25 years in prison or a 50,000 gold payment to the college as well as 5,000 gold in reparations to each of the victims' families. Verinos chose to pay the fines and was released from custody, though he is now banned from Waterdeep.  


  • The New Olamn Massacre was, in reality, the result of a prank gone wrong. Yuan-ton released illusory bees into the performer's alcove, causing them to panic and stop playing. The violinist, knowing what would become of his career after ending the 32 year tradition, directed a shatter spell at his own skull, which destabilized the tunnel and caused its collapse. The six remaining students nearly escaped the tunnel, but Eieb Dreago created ice on the floor which caused them to slip and be crushed. Eieb claims that the ice was meant to further the joke, and says he did not intend to cause the students' deaths.
  • The events of the massacre inspired the lyrics of a now popular bard's song, The Shattering.
  • Yuan-ton was not witnessed after the massacre because he had been disguised as Verinos at the time.

Articles under New Olamn Massacre