Venda Briarwind

Venda Briarwind is a shipping mogul based out of Baldur's Gate, and a member of Baldur's Council. He was born in 828 PU and turned to a vampire on the new moon by an unknown assailant at the age of 17.    Venda became close friends with Lyle Silvershield once Lyle had inherited his wealth and had decided to expand his investments to shipping out of the city's port. When Lyle became the first vampire council member in 806 EW, he began grooming Venda for a political career. Shortly after the Union, Lyle sponsored Venda and assisted him in gaining the popular vote for councilship. Venda became the second vampire to ascend a position of significant power in Baldur's Gate.  

Shipping Business

Venda currently owns what amounts to a monopoly on sea trade coming out of Baldur's Gate, especially for shipments north along the Sword Coast. He has recently expanded this business to include passenger ships, and is known to provide the safest travel available along the Sword Coast. This is due to a recent agreement between his company and The Drowned Fleet, whereby Venda's ships fly a white flag bearing a blue circle to distinguish passenger ships from trade ships. Venda has agreed to void passenger ships of significant cargo, making them as poor targets for the pirates and ensuring safe passage for travelers. The fleet, however, is allowed to stop and search passenger ships on occasion to ensure compliance with these terms.  


  • Venda, as a relatively young vampire, sometimes lacks control. After the Solstice Ball of 130 PU, the party caught Venda cleaning up a scene in which he clearly accidentally killed one of Lyle's blood servants.
  • Venda has agreed to aid the party in preparations for the coming New War of the Gods. He has supplied them with shipwrights, materials, and crew staff at Caer Castellin.
Current Location
172 years
Long, silver-blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation