Baby Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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  The cargo doors and workshop lie on the level of the axel and pipes. From there stairs lead you to the second floor where the extra storage racks, emergency water barrels and boiler control panels line a corridor to the cockpit.   The top of the seat of the chair lies level with the floor of the second level. From the console to the left of the pilots seat, the driver has a read of the temperature and water levels in all four boilers. There is a map and book of directions and factions. The chests and cabinets in the cockpit are also full of documents, letters of passage, local maps, intel, bribe money, etc. The console also has a pathfinder orb, to help the operator navigate. The windows are reinforced and transparent for roughly 120 degrees of visibility.

Power Generation

Baby uses 4 separate Fire Sync glyphs to heat the water in its 4 boilers. It uses the resulting steam to turn pistons and power its wheels. This generates a significant amount of power and allows Baby to hit 30mph while carying two other wagons full of goods, but also comes with some drawbacks.   Because the glyphs can't be turned off without destroying the engraving, the boilers must always have at least some water in them. They are filled by a series of endless decanters that can be activated from the control terminals but a it only takes about 10 hours to convert an entire boiler of water to steam so Baby can't be left for long. If the boilers do run out of water, the heat from the glyphs will start to melt and deform the metal of the boiler itself, and eventually the hull of the wagon, either melting through that side of the hull or starting a fire inside. Triza keeps barrels of emergency water around the boilers in case anything happens to the decanters.   If the wagons need to be left for a long period of time, the glyphs can be destroyed and re-engraved again when the engines need to be started, though the boilers must be emptied before carving and it takes 4 hours to carve one glyph.


Each wheel has a dedicated boiler so the output and connection can be altered from the control panel at any time. The wheels can also be angled in any combination, ex: only front wheels turning, all four wheels angled to move the wagon at an angle while keeping the direction the same, or rear wheels only.   Baby has a crude breaking system but the most regular way to slow it down is to disconnect the wheels from the pistons and set some combination of wheels into 'neutral' to let the momentum disperse.

Weapons & Armament

Baby can be used as a battering ram or used to run people over, but has no actual weapons or armaments.

Armor and defense

Adamantine plates cover the hull with wheels made of a mesh of reeds coated in Mithral and woven together.
Baby. Because it won't stop crawling and could melt down any minute
Creation Date
1493 DR
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
25 MPH
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1 pilot, 1 passenger, barricades for camp at night and supplies to maintain the Baby.


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