Triza Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Triza Twingem

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jacked as shit. Althrough she isn't used to it yet the reincarnation spell was kind.

Facial Features

Triza has a softly shaped jaw, bold, bright blue eyes, a large nose and large lips. She has long, dark hair pulled back into a collection of braids, and pierced ears.

Special abilities

  • Spellcasting - 8th level artificer
  • Multi Attack
  • Flash of Genius
  • Stones Endurance

Apparel & Accessories

Long green and brown coat over the half plate with heavy boots.

Specialized Equipment

  • Baby
  • Armor of Tools - Half Plate
  • Hunting Rifle - Repeating Shot
  • Steel Defender - Starlight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to poverty in a small gnome borough, Triza turned to artifice and crafting as so many of her kind do in the urban environments. Specifically she showed promise with firearms and it didn't take her long to realize she could make more money using them than making them. So she signed on with a company crossing the Arouch desert into Cormyr and not so slowly became the mechanic, architect and gunner of the company as they lost crew members to the sands.   On one of these missions they passed close by the ruins of Myth Drannor and picked up a group of refugees on the way to Suzail. A few, including Xirora, decided to stay on with the caravan and these two formed a relationship over the next year.   Eventually Winnifred joined the party and things got a bit more complicated until a massive attack left all but Xirora and Winnifred dead, including triza. In a desperate bid Winnifred attemped a reincarnation on Triza, which worked but put her in the body of a Goliath. With a second chance at life triza brought both of her partners together. Both in marriage and the founding of a new caravan company, building a new life from the salvage of her old one.




Has career specific training for crafting firearms but most everything she's learned about artifice has been self taught while on the road from the new people and things she sees on her journey.


Steady employment with The Pilgrims Path Caravan Co.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Despite all her achievements and innovations with the creation of her wagon, weapons and managing to make a life for herself on the road, when asked she will say her greatest achievement was escaping the workhouses in Baldur's Gate to make a name for herself.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not coming up with the idea for weaving mithral tires on her own, the way she handled her break up with Pangor and that one time she died.

Mental Trauma

While she was smart and able to pick up a skillset that would let her provide for herself, her home environment growing up was not a good one. Despite that she had the resolve to pack up and make her own way, which made it all the more painful when she died. She is of course extremely thankful to Winnifred and Xirora for bringing her back but she's suffering form pretty extreme body dismorphia, both because her craftsmanship was tied so closely to her race, and because of the dramatic shift in size and proportions her new body has caused.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely intelligent, she tends to compulsively dive into whatever new idea she has and spend long nights working or reworking designs or prototypes until she's satisfied with her work. She's generally good natured but can be a bit abrasive as a life in baldurs gate and on the road would make anyone suspicious.

Morality & Philosophy

She looks out for her and hers, but thats no reason not to help those who need it so long as they're good folk. Theres always time for a warning shot.

Personality Characteristics


To learn what there is to learn from the places she travels, and fold that new knowledge into her designs. And to live out a happy life with her wives of course.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcane
  • Athletics
  • Investigation
  • Slight of Hand
  Ineptitudes (+0)
  • Deception
  • Persuasion
  • Performance

Likes & Dislikes

  • Solving Problems
  • Getting High
  • Driving on a clear night
  • Lawful Good Dorks
  • Snakes
  • Brussel Sprouts

Virtues & Personality perks

She's strong, considerate and never gives up on something once she's set her mind to it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be single minded to a fault and get consumed by a problem she's struggling to solve. Tends to lash out when she's mad and now she has a bigger stronger body than she's used to she doesn't always have full control of her self.

Personality Quirks

She's not used to being so tall and tends to bang her head against doors and other objects she used to be able to walk under easily.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Triza




Wife (Vital)

Towards Xirora




These two met while Trizas caravan was passing through the ruins of Myth Drannor. Xirora was a refugee and struggling with a good deal of past trauma. The two didn't have much in common but had a connection and found comfort in exposing each other to new ideas and skills. Eventually started dating. They worked the caravan trail, dated, and shared a space together for about two years before they met Winnifred and some tension was introduced into the group. They both had a natural attraction to Winnifred and while Xirora was comfortable with bringing another person into the relationship Triza had some hesitation. As the three naturally gravitated towards each other Triza was the only person to resist it causing some tension between herself and the other two.   The rest is described in more detail in the relationships with winnifred but the three ended up married and working the pilgrims path together.

Relationship Reasoning

They don't have much specifically in common but they approach a lot of their problems in similar ways. They make each other laugh and sleep better when they're together.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Problem solving
  • Keeping up to date with world events
  • Late nights working or talking with wine


Wife (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Wife (Vital)

Towards Triza




These two were shared an attraction from day one. Triza had been traveling with the caravan the longest of the three and was actively dating Xirora. Winnifred was just coming onto the caravan crew, and was immediately drawn in by the pair. Triza felt drawn to her but also guilty for having feeling for someone other than her partner. This was only compounded when Xirora confessed the same feelings. Triza reacted badly and the two ended up taking some time off.   During this break Triza and Winnifred started talking more and ended up sleeping together. While Winnifred was fine with everything, Triza started to panic and tried to patch things up with Xirora. They did and not long after Triza died in an attack on the caravan. As she died she reflected on how stressful she had made the last few weeks of her life for no reason. There was a mutual attraction between the three of them and she was the only one resisting it. She decided to give it a shot and be better if she survived this. But she didn't survive.   When she woke up both of them were standing over her. When she sat up her perspective had quite literally shifted. Winnifreds resurrection spell had reincarnated her into the body of a goliath and the three of them were the only survivors of the attack. She had a support network and after it came out that all three of them had already slept together the remaning hesitation ( and had a spiderman finger pointing meme moment ) they all leaned into it.

Relationship Reasoning

They're both extremely passionate, clever and hyper competitive. They're drawn to each other as confidants, but also lovingly antagonize each other to be better and draw inspiration from each other.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Xirora's Cooking
  • Curiosity and a desire to create
  • Traveling and culture
  • Exploring new cities
  • Fighting

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
30 Nightal 1352 DR
Baldurs Gate
Xirora (Wife)
Winifred (Wife)
Long, curly, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Thieves' Cant,
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