The Pilgrims Path Caravan Co. Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Pilgrims Path Caravan Co.

all the pets have been awakened
  • Cats:
    • Mittens
    • Mr. Wibbles
    • Terror stalking the night
    • George
  • Fox:
    • Bartelby
      Example campsite of the main 3 wagons forming a circle with the wagons they're escorting.


    Public Agenda

    To provide the most vulnerable populations or those traveling without security safe passage


    • Baby
    • Myth Dinor
    • The Garden
    • Steel Defender - Starlight
    • Hunting Rifle - Repeating Shot
    • 2000 platinum
    • Teleportation circle


    Formed from the ruins of the Long Haul company after a brutal orc attack in the silver marches. The three founders were the only survivors and inherited the companies accounts, the remaining unburned and looted wagons and what they could keep on them.   From this they started up anew and have been traveling northern faerun ever since. They've got regular routes that they hit seasonally but they also take contracts from the windblown to provide reliable teleportation circle access to remote locations.
    Founding Date
    6 years ago
    Military, Crew
    Parent Organization
    Organization Vehicles
    Notable Members


    Winnifred is a full member, but the caravan company has been contrated out by the windblown for years. Since the caravan can get to positions that are particularly difficult to reach and have a teleportaiton circle of their own they make the perfect forward operating base for any kind of major operation the windblown are trying to perform. On top of Xiroras ability to scout and Triza's defensive modifications the Pilgrims Path have cemented themselves as the go to solution for any large scale land operation far from a teleportation circle.


    The Caravan has been one of the first groups contacted when The Lords Alliance need to make a show of helping refugees relocate for several years now. Despite its generally obvious the requests come with a lot of political showboating, the actual people involved in the trips always do actually need to be escorted somewhere in the north safely, and the pay is good, so its all the same to them.


    The Pilgrims Path regularly takes work from the Enclave. There are way stations or representatives near almost every city or town and there is generally work to do. The Path will use these smaller contracts to make some money while on the journey to larger missions since they're bound to travel by land.


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