June Deeproot Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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June Deeproot


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and tall. June is as strong as she's ever been and towers over most opponents.

Body Features

  • Dark bark with long vertical grooves, lighter inside the cracks.
  • A sturdy solid trunk. More tall than broad with thick limbs branching off for arms and legs
  • Has a distinctly humanoid frame, with a head at the top of the trunk with branches continuing to spread off the shoulders and back of the neck.
  • Leaves forming a long mane of hair covering the entirety of her back and arms

Facial Features

June has the most 'humanoid' face out of her family. She has eyebrow ridges and is missing a chunk from the left one, a broad nose, and a big smile that rarely leaves her face. The vertical breaks in the bark make her face seem longer than it is.

Identifying Characteristics

Big fuckin tree.

Special abilities

  • Great Weapon Fighting
  • Action Surge / Second Wind / Multi attack
  • Weapon Bond
  • War Magic
  • Indomitable
  • Eldritch Strike
  • Arcane Charge
  • Powerful Form / Tree Whisperer / False Appearance / Treeish
  • Sentinel / Shield Master / War Caster

Specialized Equipment

  • Belt of Cloud Giant Strength
  • Frostburn Spear
  • Spellguard Shield
  • Arcane Cannon
  • Handy haversack

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melren was looking for a test for his treant experiment and fucked up the pick. The idiot thought she was a juniper tree. It wasn't until after she had been awakened and decided to work with melren did an aquaintence tell him she was actually an ash tree. Either way he needed a physical guardian she was strong and smart. Melren began training her in magic and in combat and tactics from the sapphire dragon Chindissal. She would bounce between locations for several years and then served as the guardian of the weeping peak, and melrens personal body guard along with seeker when he would travel on his journies.   After a particularly grevious offense to a council of mages and powerful individuals, it was decided Melren needed to be taken care of. They sent a group of constructs, escorted by a few of the mages and despite June's best efforts she was defeated and cast onto the side of the mountain. When she recovered Gimblekanks was gravely wounded, Seeker was away from the peak and Conrad had been restrainted. Melren had been killed and the servants had no idea what to do without him.   The peak became a very sad and quiet place until Seeker brought back Seteth and Xior after encountering them on one of their missions. After the windblown moved in everyone had purpose again. Quickly June took defense seriously again and as bell-mere began to be established, June began to act as security along with Hala. She has since taken to train the bell-mere militia so they can look after themselves.


Biromantic Asexual


June has been educated in magic and history by Melren and combat and tactics by a sapphire dragon, Chindissal the Quiet.


June acts as a guardian for the town of bell-mere and the weeping peak, and while she is paid to do it she driven by her sense of purpose for the task.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Completed the training of an aincent sapphire dragon
  • Studied under an arch mage
  • Surviving multiple losing battles
  • Her construction of natural forifications has become a thing of art

Mental Trauma

It stings a little that she knows her entire existance is chalked up to a careless mistake by Melren. Despite that he still raised and trained her and she, like all the servants, loved him. So when his enemies came for him and she was defeated she took it hard. She was spared but took a long time to recover both physically and emotionally.

Intellectual Characteristics

No genius but she has a good grasp of her studies and enough intelligence and diligence to be able to weild combat magics. She's fun loving and has a way with kids in particular but she is vigilant and not easily fooled.

Morality & Philosophy

June was created and trained to act as a guardian. She takes issue with anyone who stands on the other side of who she's protecting, which at this point are friends and refugees trying to setup a new life in Bell-mere.

Personality Characteristics


June was animated and trained to be a guardian against physical threats to a magically powerful being. She gets of satisfaction from ensuring the saftey of others and is proud to serve her new community along with the other servants. She has recently taken to training the interested citizens in forming a militia.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Athletics +13
  • Insight +7
  • Indimidation +8
  • Nature +8
  • Survival +7
  • Acrobatics +0
  • Slight of Hand +0
  • Stealth +0

Likes & Dislikes

  • Light rain and a nice breeze
  • Seeing kids enjoying her playgrounds
  • Teaching
  • Fire
  • Threats and sass
  • Fish - their freaky bug eyes are weird and the scales get everywhere

Virtues & Personality perks

Devoted and loyal, June cares deeply for her friends and family. She's sharp, funny and sweet, only resorting to conflict or violence when some threat is present.

Vices & Personality flaws

Afraid and embarrassed by her defeat and failure to protect her master, she tends to over compensate when it comes to security measures and rules.


Has a bit of moss on her but she's doin good.
Current Location
Date of Birth
21 Eleasis, 1425 DR
The Dragonspine Mountains
Current Residence
Center Grove
Glowing Green
Long swath of leaves running from her head to her lower back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered black bark
1000 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Sylvan
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