Town of Bell-mère Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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Town of Bell-mère

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Its a melting pot of groups that were displaced as a consequence of something the windblown was involved with. Humans and Dwarves are the predominant races but Aarakocra, Gnomes, Grung, Goliaths, Treants and more.


  In exchange for providing defense, training, funds, supplies, and new citizens the windblown have special influence with the council. They own the land and use the adventurers guild on the eastern plateau overlooking the town as a decoy guild hall.


Troops: A local voulenteer militia comprised of citizens keeps watch but their authority is limited and they mostly deal with wildlife and monsters from deep in the forest. Part of the arrangement is that in the event of a serious attack, available windblown members will be ready to join in the defense of the town.   Fortifications:
  • Steep Ramp leading up to a the main gate
  • High walls surrounding the main gate and harbor loading areas
  • Watch towers set up around the perimeter
  Natural Defenses:
  • The mesa walls rise about 120-150 feet above the surrounding forest
  Wards: Are still in the process of being placed permenantly across the mesa.
  • Flock of Familiars - casts every few hours to keep watch with a mile radius around the town.
  • Teleportation Circle - Casting once a day to setup a permenant circle in the Council Tower
  • Guards and Wards - Gusts of wind around the gate ramps and fog throughout the city.
  • Druid Grove - Cast once a day to set up permenant defenses around the grove by the main gates.
  • Forbiddance - Cast once a day to slowly provide protection over the entire mesa surface. Against elementals, fiends and undead and anyone else trying to teleport in other than the dedicated circle.
Pass code is in the storyteller secrets.


  • Bell-mère
    Town populated by refugees and people recruited or saved by the windblown. It starts small with only the lower tier developed big plots of open land and room for the players to expand.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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