Myth Dinor Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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Myth Dinor

Myth Dinor is comprised of 2 floors and a small landing connecting the two.   The bottom floor is a small kitchen with a window facing outside to distribute meals to the rest of the traveling party. The food boxes are actually small Chests of Preserving. The kitchen has a bar which seats 4 and a long table that is collapsible and stored on the outside of the caravan covering up the window. The tarp then folds down to cover everything.   The landing is raised to it can connect evenly with Baby. Its got some storage but is mostly used as a lounging area for Mittens, one of the companies kittens.   The top floor starts as a pantry where the food for the journey is stored in more chests of preserving. There are also some potions and backpacks in case a group needs to leave the caravan for some reason. Past that is Xirora's Lab, where poisons and potions are made, maps are plotted and records are kept.


This wagon has no means of moving it self and must be pulled either by Baby or draft horses.

Armor and defense

This wagon has a strong frame and the side walls are reinforced with metal plates under a light wood exterior but the front walls and roof are basically decorative.
Myth Diner - because Its a kitchen run by a survivor of Myth Drannor
Creation Date
1493 DR
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Kitchen and pantry for multiple days of travel for a caravan group. Can have 1 cook, 4 people sitting at the kitchen counter and 2 upstairs in the lab. and many cats.


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