Xirora Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Caravan Master Xirora Twingem

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In good shape but not strong. She gets by with dexterity and a small profile.

Facial Features

A olive skinned Wood Elf with a sharp eyebrows, alert, narrow, gray eyes, thin lips and a smooth complexion. Her leather armor is well worn and adorned with pieces of the environment. She has pulled back, leaf green hair, eyebrows and lips.

Identifying Characteristics

A scar on her lower left thigh from an old arrow wound.

Physical quirks

Tends to pick at her nails and hands when she's not actively doing anything.

Special abilities

  • Sneak Attack
  • Cunning Action
  • Mask of the Wild
  • Observant
  • Mobile
  • Fey Ancestry
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Skirmisher

Apparel & Accessories

Sturdy leather armor and practical clothing underneath.

Specialized Equipment

  • Xirora's Wagon
  • Eyes of the Eagle
  • Cloak of Elven Kind
  • Bracers of Flying Daggers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born pre spell plague, Xirora was the daughter of a merchant and a druid in the elven kingdom of Myth Drannor. She joined its army to help fight off Human incursions into her forest homeland. She served in various conflicts with The Dalelands, Cormyr, Netheril, and Sembia for almost 100 years as a forward scout. Using a combination of prodigious stealth, magic items and the ability to read lips she was able to easily aquire information on enemy morale, movements, command and plans from a distance.   She got very good at this and was scouting far into the Cormyri woods when the City of Shade dropped from the sky atop Myth Drannor, utterly destroying it and the surrounding territory. Like so many from the forest she was lost and despondant. She begged, stole, fought and killed until Triza and her caravan passed through the ruins offering food and transportation to Suzail.   Xirora decided to stay with this company however, putting her skills to work in a desperate bid to feel useful again with a new found family. This went on for a few years where Xirora and Triza would often be paired together to clear oncoming road blocks. They became involved and evrything was great until Winnifred joined the caravan guard. They both fell hard and while Xirora was fine being with multiple partners, Triza had conflicting feelings and as things started to get complicated disaster struck a second time for Xi. While passing through The Silver Marches their caravan was attacked by Orcs. Triza was killed and in a desperate bid to save her was reincarnated by Winnifred into the body of a Goliath.   Almost losing her second family was a wakeup call and Xirora was determined not to lose her loves again. After a little while she succeeded and the three would later get married, as well as found The Pilgrims Path Caravan Co. Xirora has since taken it as a personal mission to review the contracts and assess the risks the company would take on. But since then they have been together, and she has been happy.




Had a formal education in the skills it takes to run a busisness from her father, and an education in nature and combat from her mother and time in the army.


Steady employment with The Pilgrims Path Caravan Co.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived years at war deep in enemy territory and was only ever caught once.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her behavior after the fall of Myth Drannor. The time she got caught. It was total bullshit and wasn't her fault

Mental Trauma

She knows it wasn't her fault but she's haunted by the people she's lost in the fighting and the homeland she's lost to the war. Now shes found new loves, she's terrified of being alone again.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent, adapting quickly to new situations she hates being without a plan and always scouts ahead but ironically does some of her best work on the fly. A good portion of her role is holding up for long hours watching and waiting, she tends to make little acts and scenes to pass the time.

Personality Characteristics


Keeping her family together every way she can, and keeping them moving and employed.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics
  • Athletics
  • Investigation
  • Nature
  • Perception
  • Slight of Hand
  • Stealth
  • Survival
  Ineptitudes (+1)
  • Insight
  • Religion
  • Performance

Likes & Dislikes

  • Nature
  • Traveling
  • Cooking
  • Pets
  • Fighting
  • Pranks
  • Crowds

Virtues & Personality perks

After a hard life of war and loss she's always thankful for what she has now and never takes any of it for granted.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her fear of being alone, she's used to spending a lot of time alone and gets anxious and snappy when she's stuck with big groups of people for a prolonged period.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Wife (Vital)

Towards Xirora




These two were absolutely infatuated with each other from the moment they met. Xirora had been traveling with the caravan for a while and was actively dating Triza. Winnifred was just coming onto the caravan crew, and was immediately drawn in by the pair. While Xi was open to multiple partners Triza had an issue with it so it caused a lot of friction when Xi was honest about her feelings and was met with insecurity and invalidation. They first slept together when Triza and Xi were on a break. But when X&T got back together they put it on pause.   For Winnifred this was more inconvenient than an actual issue so she was fine just flirting and having fun in the background. That was until Triza was killed in an attack and they 3 were all each other had. After dying Triza realized how silly her insecurities were and the three were together. They got married about a year later.

Relationship Reasoning

They're both super into each other, have great sex, and make each other laugh.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Nature
  • Exploring the outdoors
  • Cooking
  • Making Triza uncomfortable with public displays of affection


Wife (Vital)

Towards Triza




Wife (Vital)

Towards Xirora




These two met while Trizas caravan was passing through the ruins of Myth Drannor. Xirora was a refugee and struggling with a good deal of past trauma. The two didn't have much in common but had a connection and found comfort in exposing each other to new ideas and skills. Eventually started dating. They worked the caravan trail, dated, and shared a space together for about two years before they met Winnifred and some tension was introduced into the group. They both had a natural attraction to Winnifred and while Xirora was comfortable with bringing another person into the relationship Triza had some hesitation. As the three naturally gravitated towards each other Triza was the only person to resist it causing some tension between herself and the other two.   The rest is described in more detail in the relationships with winnifred but the three ended up married and working the pilgrims path together.

Relationship Reasoning

They don't have much specifically in common but they approach a lot of their problems in similar ways. They make each other laugh and sleep better when they're together.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Problem solving
  • Keeping up to date with world events
  • Late nights working or talking with wine

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
12 Deepwinter 1349 DR
Winifred (Wife)
Triza (Wife)
Shoulder length, green hair
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
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