Silja Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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A diplomat that does her best work by stopping fights from occuring at all. However if a fight breaks out her mobility and eldritch abilities allow for significant impact over a wide area.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While her eldritch powers make her extremely dangerous and she's strong enough to stay on magical horse back, she fits better into the mobile support category.

Physical quirks

She tends to tap out little messages on the edge of her glass with her finger when she's bored in a coversation with someone.

Special abilities

  • Hexblade's Curse / Accursed Specter / Armor of Hexes
  • Invocations: Agonizing Blast / Eyes of the Rune Keeper / Eldritch Smite / Thirsting Blade / Lifedrinker
  • Darkvision / Fey Ancestry / Fleet of Foot
  • Mounted Combatant / Medium Armor Master / Linguist / Skill Expert

Apparel & Accessories

Silja dresses for the occasion. She can pull off formal wear for court preceedings but is normally in simple riding clothes.

Specialized Equipment

  • Lance of the Floating Court / Half Plate / Fey Grown Nets
  • Handy Haversack / Ring of Regeneration / Ring of Shooting Stars
  • Healing Potions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to parents of the floating court and the native population of The Moonshae Isles, Silja grew up in a newly conquered land scarred by conflict. She also grew up making peace, in deliving goods from her fathers store across the island. She was half wood Elf, which gave her a foot in both realms when it came to understanding and negotiation. Silja often had to resolve conflict with words as she was not strong enough to fight off attackers and had a job to do. Eventually her reputation spread and she was called before the floating court to speak to High Lady Ordlaf.   She was set several tasks, sent to areas of turmoil on the island. Places where trouble was brewing but had not yet evolved into violence. She was tasked with finding common ground and peaceful solutions to these issue and while not all of them ended without bloodshed, most were. She was granted the title of Arbiter, given a lance, a mount and her powers, and sent to solve larger problems. The kingdom had the sympathy of some of the world stage but the situation was complex and they would need to win allies and dull the anger of enemies.   So she set out away from the isles, to Baldur's Gate. It was the closest mainland city not controlled by Amn and while she had heard rumors about the lower city, it still caught her off guard. Her new powers helped keep her safe but she left shocked, if not with new allies then at least with an education. After adjusting her expectations she setout for Waterdeep and attempted engratiate herself to the masked lords and nobility while spending her free time in taverns and game halls. She met Rennura and Zessa Rainseeker over the course of the next month and after working together to sway a nobles vote, The Windblown made her an offer. She saw this as a way to get easy access to cities all over the world, security and chances to represent the peoples of sarifal to political bodies. She's been working with The Windblown for about 2 years and while not all of it has been easy (or diplomatic for that matter), but she's grown, made important connections, and sighted many more.




Practical education in math and history from her parents busisness, and an early education in navigating the countryside from her deliveries. Those things get her around and keep her out of trouble but the relies most on her charisma and natural affinity with people.


Steady employment taking contracts with Aay and the windblown, as well as dedicated work for Lady Ordalf.

Mental Trauma

She wasn't blind to realities of conflict growing up but working on the frontlines with Aay and the windblown was a real shock. There are a lots of allies to be gained with such proximity to nobles, generals, and leaders but actual warfar took a long time for her to get used to.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's compassionate with a silver tongue. When trying to defuse a situation she can both brutally tear down arguments before building the parties back up along the road she thinks they should be taking. She endears people through honesty and connection. This isn't always subtle or sophisticated, and can often be quite goofy but its always honest and relatable, bringing everyone around her to a common ground by default.

Personality Characteristics


She set out to help smooth over relations between her nation and others and that is still her main goal when picking missions. She's also got a good group of friends here and sometimes gets torn between her duties to her country and her wants.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Deception +9
  • History +8
  • Insight +7
  • Investigation +8
  • Persuasion +13
  • Athletics
  • Constitution Saving Throws

Likes & Dislikes

  • Traveling
  • Stories
  • Beaches and the sound of waves
  • Exploring cities
  • Heat
  • Sweets

Virtues & Personality perks

Silja is level headed and is able to keep her composue under pressure. She's down to head to dangerous areas to try to resolve conflicts even though she might be at risk doing so. Always willing to listen to problems, Silja brings a sense of stability and reason to any place she's at.

Vices & Personality flaws

She loses track of time. Especially while she's out exploring a new place. If she doesn't have someone with her to help get her places she needs to go she will dead ass just miss important diplomatic meetings.
Current Location
Date of Birth
8 Mirtul, 1460 DR
She / Her
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Primordial, Sylvan

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