Rennura Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Baron Rennura Flintbrow

A conman who offers a strong array of bardic and arcane support magic to impede enemy attacks and augment allies, as well as providing some decent damage spells when pushed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's in good enough shape but dosen't look it. He keeps himself looking like a regular person of independant wealth as to better blend in with

Identifying Characteristics

  • Long red brown hair swept back but kept loose
  • Chest length red brown beard held with a silver band towards the bottom
  • A dragonbone pipe

Physical quirks

He's generally fidgeting with something.

Special abilities

  • Bardic Inspiration / Song of Rest / Jack of All Trades / Cutting Words
  • Arcane Recovery / Portent / Expert Divination / Third Eye
  • Dwarven Resilience / Darkvision / Stonecunning
  • Lucky / Metamagic Adept (twinned, subtle)

Apparel & Accessories

Nice robes that are always a little scuffed from being on the road.

Specialized Equipment

  • Cube of Force
  • Liquid Mithral
  • Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
  • Silver Coin of Duvra
  • Bag of Holding
  • Robe of Useful Items

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Picked up with some magical talent as a child by the archmagi Nos Entoram, Rennura was a talented mage but a horrible student, heading into town to gamble and drink. After several years of study and fuckery, Nos was killed. A noble decided he wanted the archmagi's fortress as a border outpost and when the mage refused he was assassinated and his assets seized.   Rennura was returning from a night of debauchery to find the tower alight and soldiers everywhere. He was able to use his divination magic to determine their loyalties and escape with the only other thing that survived the tower, the work mule lovingly dubbed 'The Dutchess'. Rennura vowed to leave those responsible just as powerless and penniless as they had left him that day. He uses a combination of divination magic and false charm to swindle and straight up cheat those guilty of the murder of his master. He has made a few quick escapes from this lifestyle and more than a few enemies.   During this pursuit he ended up across the table from River and Seteth running a similiar gambit on one of his targets. Seteth caught on to what he was doing and after taking the game and the target for themselves, they offered to bring him in for his revenge if he joined up and worked for them. Since then he's used the company to gather info on his remaning targets and as well as getting steady work infiltrating organizations and other noble houses as one of Seteth's most successful spies.




Had a great education but didn't pay attention much.


Steady employment taking contracts for the windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Turns out revenge is an amazing motivator. Once he started applying himself to using his magic in the real world against his targets all the principles that never set in in the classroom clicked and he progressed at an astonishing rate. He's spent the last several years exploting gambling addictions and using magic to absolutely clean out the wealth of entire noble families.

Mental Trauma

He was off drinking and gambling when they came for his teacher. He feels he could have helped if he had been more diligent.

Intellectual Characteristics

Confident and Charming, Rennura is smart enought to grasp the finer points of wizardry but its his intuition and charm that get him through most situations.

Morality & Philosophy

He's not big on violence of anykind of if he can take you for everything you own well thats you're fault, you should have been paying more attention.

Personality Characteristics


Rennura joined the windblown based on a promise from Seteth. She would help him track down his targets and offer him resources and support, and he would use his considerable talents to enhance her espionage operations. At this point he has already ruined the lives of most of the people on his list and he's letting the rest stew for a bit on their impending demise so his main focus is just having a good time and taking on Seteth's assignments.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies - Jack of All Trades makes everything have at least a +2
  • Arcana +10
  • Deception +15
  • History +10
  • Insight +13
  • Intimidation +7
  • Investigation +10
  • Performance +10
  • Persuasion +10
  • Sleight of Hand +13
  • Brewer's Supplies, Dice Set, Dragonchess Set, Flute, Forgery Kit, Playing Card Set, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Three-DragonAnte Set
  Ineptitudes (+4)
  • Animal Handling +4
  • Medicine +4
  • Survival +4

Likes & Dislikes

  • Learning new ways to cheat games or people
  • Beer and all other drinks
  • Traveling to new places and learning peoples stories
  • Nobility, nothing against just rich people but people who lord their wealth and power over others.
  • Having his plans foiled. Sends him spiraling into self pitty

Virtues & Personality perks

Rennura is one of the best at what he does and he rarely ever finds himself out of his depth. He's funny, charming, intelligent and keeps an eye out for the underdogs. Despite his medium of choice being card and dice games he never has any trouble knowing when to tap out. If he can't put his thumb on the scales or it looks like he's running into trouble he cashes out.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be dramatic and petty. He's super talented but also a bit of a diva. It rarely shows up when he's working but in his downtime he can drown his sorrows and wallow in self pitty like few others.



Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Iefyr




Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Rennura




The two of them butted heads pretty hard when Iefyr first joined. They've since sorted things out after they were both sent on a mission together but they still don't mesh super well together. This is fine since they operate under different branches most times.


Game Partner (Important)

Towards Rennura




Game Partner (Important)

Towards Carlyle




Their relationship started when Rennura lured her into a game of cards at the peak's tavern. He absolutely obliterated her, using magic and practice to cheat which set her off. Out of spite she continued to play him over and over until she won. She never did. So now they meet up regularly to play a variety of games and Carlyle has found, even though she hates losing, it can be fun to try to work out how best to play Rennura. He loves having a partner to practice with. Dragon's eyes are much sharper than most human's and basically everyone else at the peak has already learned not to engage with him when it comes to any kind of game. She rages and rants and prays for the dwarf's firey demise but she's really having a good time.

Unread Tome

Drinking Buddy (Important)

Towards Rennura




Drinking Buddy (Important)

Towards Unread Tome




They met through seteth as one on a mission and both have a deep rooted hatred for shitty nobles. They drink and plot and plan about possible revenges and ways to ruin their lives and take their money. Its a venting activity for both and they generally meet somewhere outside the keep to get blasted and talk shit.

Current Location
Date of Birth
1 Kythorn, 1375 DR
Current Residence
Ravens Bluff Windblown Office
Long Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Comprehend Languages, Third Eye
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