Zessa Rainseeker Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Zessa Rainseeker

A master manipulator, Zessa uses magic, her training as a courtesan, and a variety of potions and poisons to get close to her targets and either extract information or assassinate them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's in good shape, strong and healthy, but not going to win any fist fights anytime soon.

Identifying Characteristics

She's a Yuan-ti pureblood so she had vertical pupils and pointed fangs. She also has long purple hair going down to her waist and a tattoo running from her left shoulder to her wrist.

Special abilities

  • Bardic Inspiration / Magical Inspiration / Jack of All Trades
  • Song of Rest / Silver Tongue / Unsettling Words
  • Counter Charm / Unfailing Inspiration / Universal Speech
  • Alchemist / Infusions / Experimental Elixir / Alchemical Savant
  • Poisoner / Actor / Observant

Apparel & Accessories

She keeps it simple but elegant. While she's on the job she's either in an elegant dress or other fine clothing. She's got a few simple silver ear rings and nice shoes.   Off the job she's in simple comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather or equipment for working with potions and poisons.

Specialized Equipment

  • Crystal Ball of Mind Reading
  • Barrier Tattoo
  • Bag of Holding
  • Iron Bands of Bilarro
  • Ring of Mind Shielding
  • Poisoners Kit (many)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zessa is the only one of the rainseeker sisters to witness the death of their parents in Najara. They were high ranking political figures during a coup. and were executed as part of the regime change. Zessa was in the crowd and saw the execution. She was secreted away to live with some of their political allies for a year or two before the situation turned for the worse and a bounty was put on the their heads. Ilush, a loyal friend of their parents took the girls down river to Beldenshyn and by land to Baldur's Gate. She died to a bigoted mob at the gates and in the chaos Zessa was able to get everyone inside. They lived in a hovel scrounging for the better part of a year until Zessa was able to talk her way into a servants position at a brothel uptown.   She worked initially serving, refilling drinks, taking orders from older courtesans and listening in on clients conversations to report back to the owner. She worked hard and after a while her dilligence and intelligence were noted. She was brought on full time by Sylkoris, one of the head courtesans and began being taught accounting, poison making, spycraft and manipulation.   Shortly after this recognition, Ussu and Shala were home alone when they were attacked by some of the Zhentarim. They tried to fight back, and even as a child Shala was able to kill one of the attackers but Ussu was kidnapped. Zessa came home and thought she had lost the rest of her family. Shala was ok and was taken to the brothel out of desperation for care. Her wounds were healed and the girls began living at the brothel out of sympathy.   She doubled her efforts to make a name for herself to take care of her sister. Shala began to act out and spent a lot of time with street gangs but Zessa recognized her talents and tried not to be overbearing even if she didn't approve. Soon after Ussu would return, explaining the situation and would live with the other sisters during the summers. Zessa had her family back and was determined not to lose them again.   Zessa eventually became old enough to start taking on work as a velvet bounty hunter. The three sisters began taking mercenary and assassination contracts, Zessa pulling information from the brothel, Shala using underground contacts and Ussu pulling in work from the Silver Scale Monks. Eventually they drew the attention of Xior of The Windblown and after watching them work, offered to bring them in to the windblown.   The three sisters still take contracts as a group but they've also found individual roles within the guild. Zessa's quieter skillset immidately drew Seteth's and Asha's attention. She and Asha had such a similar method of doing things they immediately bonded. She also acts as the guilds poison maker along with Shala.




A years studying under professionals in performance, music, seduction, history, magic, and the sciences. She has a better than average knowledge on most subjects and skills.


Steady employment with Seteth and the Windblown

Accomplishments & Achievements

Clawing a life and a skillset she's genuintely exceptional at out of a situation that would have killed most people.

Mental Trauma

She lost her parents, her home, and very nearly lost both of her sisters. She had to find work to support her sisters. She's seen a lot of brutality, death and hardship but she's also managed to claw power and the skills to keep herself safe out of a life nobody expected her to have.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zessa is charming and extremely disciplined. She's a master manipulator and she can be extremely subtle while she's working towards a goal or target. In her down time she likes to drop the mask and just relax as herself.

Personality Characteristics


Leverage the resources available to her with the windblown to gain status and power for herself and her sisters. Attaching herself to the organization as it rises will accomplish this so she does her best to develop its success

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies - Jack of All Trades makes everything have at least a +2
  • Arcana +7
  • Deception +15
  • History +10
  • Insight +13
  • Investigation +7
  • Nature +7
  • Performance +15
  • Persuasion +15
  • Religion +7
  • Sleight of Hand +12
  • Stealth +7
  • Alchemist's Supplies, Dragonchess Set, Drum, Forgery Kit, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools
  Ineptitudes (+4)
  • Acrobatics +4
  • Athletics +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Basic humanoid decency
  • An engaging conversationalist
  • Simple meals - warm drinks
  • Lab work
  • Fine dining
  • Entitlement
  • Being pushed or ignored

Virtues & Personality perks

She can ignore almost any irritation, insult or discomfort while she's working towards a goal and put off her eventual response until she's done whatever it is she needs to do.   Her trust is hard to earn but once you get it she will put herself in extremely dangerous situations if she trusts whoever she's working with to carry out a plan.

Vices & Personality flaws

She never forgets a grudge or offense. You can earn her forgiveness but she will hold onto shit for literally ever. If the person has died the shit talking is next level


Ussu Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Zessa Rainseeker



Zessa Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Ussu Rainseeker




Zessa has infinite paitence for her goofy younger sister, and Ussu idolizes her for how she took care of them when they were younger and continues to handle the planning and coordination of jobs. A task to which Ussu is definitely not suited. In terms of passions, lifestyles and skillsets they have basically nothing in common (except that its all mercenary work) but they love each other and get along which is all that really matters. They share a room together at the weeping peak.

Zessa Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shala Rainseeker



Shala Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Zessa Rainseeker




Zessa and Shalla are super close. They grew up in the same house and although they ended up very different they both share a passion for chemistry and relaxing in their time off. They regularly work together on poisons and planning missions. While Zessa generally runs things Shalla takes the lead on the off hours, setting up relaxing vacations at exotic locations between missions or traveling together on the Lady of the Night.

Zessa Rainseeker

Spy (Important)

Towards Seteth




Spymaster (Important)

Towards Zessa Rainseeker




Zessa was recruited by Seteth almost immediately upon joining the company. Her skill with languages, magic and general manipulation combined with her intelligence made her an invaluable asset to Seteth's intelligence gathering team. The two like each other well enough and both respect the other. Zessa almost never fails to get what she's assigned and Seteth makes it a priority to get her whatever she requests for an assignment so they're pretty happy with one another.

Current Location
Date of Birth
21 Deepwinter, 1465 DR
Ussu Rainseeker (Sister)
Shala Rainseeker (Sister)
She / Her
Blue with Vertical Pupils
Waist Length Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
This article has no secrets.


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