Susan Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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Zoe and Draft's sled.
Each sled uses horseshoes of the zephyr hammered out into sled rails to allow them to hover off the ground without resistance An enchanted oar allows Zoe to keep the back of thee cart from winging out of control during the less straight routes. Powered by the air elemental form.   There are multiple sled combinations but only so many feet of sled railing so the combinations need to bet selected based on the needs and terrain of any individual run


It has no ability to move on its own. It must be pulled by something, and while there is a specially designed harness for Draft in her air elemental form but it could theoretically be pulled by any creatures that can move the weight.

Weapons & Armament

None. Only what spells and ranged attacks can be made by the passengers and crew.

Armor and defense

Other than the enchanted ropes connecting the carts and the sled tracks the carts are made of wood and metal.

Additional & auxiliary systems

There is a paddle that Zoe can use to cast Gust of Wind to help keep the back of the carts from sliding out of position.   In Zoe's cart they keep a Cauldron of Plenty, a Cauldron of Rebirth, a Handy Haversack, a Chest of Preserving, and a Portable Hole. The Handy Haversack contains bowls and utensils, blankets and bedrolls for 25 people and enough tarps to cover Zoe's Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow. The tarps can be easily camouflaged with natural materials. It also contains Cooks Utensils, and Woodcarvers Tools.
Hah. No.
Owning Organization
Very Rare
15 ft per cart
30 mph being pulled by draft. At 12 hours a day it covers 360 miles a day. Taking exhaustion and running 18 hours a day it cover 540 miles
Complement / Crew
Draft, Douglas, Zoe
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
The control car holds supplies for 10 people over 5 days.


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