Draft Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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A powerful shapeshifter, draft tries her best to run from fights, taking as many people with her as she can when she does.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a strong athletic build, as is appropriate for someone who covers insane distances for a living.

Special abilities

  • Combat Wild Shape / Circle Forms / Primal Strikes / Elemental Wild Shape
  • Expertise / Sneak Attack / Cunning Action

Apparel & Accessories

She does her work in elemental form so she doesn't wear much armor. She can generally be found in simple cloth and leather robes with her staff.

Specialized Equipment

  • Bell Branch
  • Cauldron of Rebirth
  • Cook's Utensils
  • Goodberry Wine
  • Handy Haversack

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from a clan of druids in the Weathercote woods near the graypeak mountains Draft lived a fairly sheltered life until a sudden incursion by a band of stone giants. Her world view shaken, she abandoned the ruins of the clan and set out on her own. She, with prodigious skill in her shapeshifted form was easily able to survive when the clan scattered but her inibility to protect her own people drove her to protect others.   She began acting as a smuggler, moving people (mostly refugees but sometimes medical supplies, healing spell components, or information ) across borders and into or out of dangerous locations. After several years of this she met Zoe who was doing similar work but using ranger techniques instead of druid magics to help people.   The pair decided to work together and ended up with the support of some fairly powerful people as they moved refugees, political prisoners, and victims doomed to the laws of their countries to safer lands. Eventually Draft reconnected with Aay, an old racing partner from their clan and who had an interest in sponsoring their work. They had the help of Navia in designing a sled that Draft could pull at remarkable speeds to get people in and out of an area quickly.   After another year of this and more than a few close calls, Draft and Zoe decided to get married and with the exception of a few covert operations on the part of the Windblown the pair dedicates themselves to rescuing refugees and vulernable populations.




Draft grew up with little education outside of her druidic training but when she left and started traveling the wider world did she discover she had a talent for integrating herself into new cultures. She works hard to learn about any area that she's going to be working in, from culture to topography.   After working with several undergrounds and the windblown she's ended up with moderate rogue training.


The pair have steady employment across the world from regular people, nobility, the windblown, etc.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her speed and endurance. She might just be one of the fastest organic things on the planet. She uses her powers to help people and she's proud of the work they're doing.

Mental Trauma

She was never much of a fighter and when the time came to defend her people all she could do was run. She carries that with her when she tries to help people in danger.

Intellectual Characteristics

Draft is impulsive in the most literal sense, she is bound to action by her impulses and that covers her racing and her morals. She's clever and quick but most of all she's genuine.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to help. Anytime she sees someone in need she can hardly restrain herself even if its someone that can't be helped by leaving the immediate area. Zoe helps as a tempering influence but she really feels compelled to make a difference in people's lives, like someone could have made a difference in hers.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +12
  • Athletics +11
  • Nature +8
  • Perception +9
  • Stealth +9
  Ineptitudes +1
  • Deception
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Racing
  • Coffee
  • Puzzles
  • Giving up
  • Churches. She's seen too much bigotry bound to mockeries of faiths.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • She might quite literally be the best at moving people across distances quickly and is always ready to do what she's good at.
  • She is a loving and dutiful wife that even after hours of acting as a mount steps up to care for her disabled partner.
  • Rarely loses her temper. She knows how disorienting it can be to be on the cart and how dire the sitautions alot of these people are coming from but consistantly acts to keep morale up

Vices & Personality flaws

  • This girl needs fucking guidance. In her routes, in her life. In basically all things. Left to her own devices she makes super bad decisions with good intentions.
  • Snooooooooooooooooores



Wife (Vital)

Towards Draft




Wife (Vital)

Towards Zoe




Partners, started working together, started dating and eventually got married. Use the windblown as a way to find people to help at the cost of being used to sneak members into places they aren't technically allowed to be.

Aay Mosscut

mentor (Important)

Towards Draft




student (Important)

Towards Aay Mosscut




They would race together in their tribe. There was a competition to navigate courses in various wild shape forms. Aay was a little older but draft was better. Aay had a talent for combat while draft was in it ofr the sport. When the village was attacked aay took her under his wing and honed her talent for speed to explore.

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
6 Leaffall, 1472 DR
Zoe (Wife)
Buzzed Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Primordial, Sylvan, Thieves’ Cant
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