Zoe Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Cart Navigator, she commands the animals and makes sure the vehicle stays together at the speeds Draft can hit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She was quite strong but a curse has sapped her strength. She looks like she's in good shape but she's got no stamina and is easily exhausted.

Identifying Characteristics

Long pale blue hair and bright blue lips. She's generally gets around with the aid of crutches, someone or needs to be carried or transported in some capacity. She's rarely seen without her companion, a panther named Douglas or raven familiar.

Special abilities

  • Natural Explorer / Land's Stride / Hide in Plain Signt
  • Balm of the Summer Court / Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow
  • Ranger's Companion / Find Familiar
  • Keen Mind / Observant / Telepathic / Magic Initiate

Apparel & Accessories

She wears simple traveling clothes that will keep her comfortable in whatever climate they'll be operating in.

Specialized Equipment

  • +2 Shield
  • Cooking Tools
  • Sled

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A natural born explorer, Zoe has always been one with nature. She knows where she wants to spend her time and how to navigate those area's. Her strength was traded in a deal with a Hag by her father so after she turned 16 she lost her ability to move effectively on her own. Zoe didn't lose her heart though, by then she had meet Draft and together they continued to explore the wilds and keep her dream alive. Left to suffer alone by her father she would make her life about doing everything she could to deny that hateful instinct and help others. Her riggorous training in the wilderness would let her go on to create opportunities for new lives with others.   She still holds a huge obvious grudge against her father but tries to distract herself from that by working with Draft. They ended up with the support of some fairly powerful people as they moved refugees, political prisoners, and victims doomed to the laws of their countries to safer lands. Eventually Draft reconnected with Aay, an old racing partner from their clan and who had an interest in sponsoring their work. They had the help of Navia in designing a sled that Draft could pull at remarkable speeds to get people in and out of an area quickly. After another year of this and more than a few close calls, Draft and Zoe decided to get married and with the exception of a few covert operations on the part of the Windblown the pair dedicates themselves to rescuing refugees and vulernable populations.


She's becoming quickly more skilled in magic and history after dealing so closely with the refugees of countries around the world. However the majority of her education from a young age has been picking routes to navigate the wilderness and working with animals


Steady employment with the windblown

Accomplishments & Achievements

She takes pride in growing up in a harsh envrionment and mastering it. She knows the woodlands, mountains and grasslands of the territory above Amn, comprised of the Cloud Peaks, the Snake Woods and the Greenfields.

Mental Trauma

Her fucking dad sold her health for personal wealth. He trained her from a young age then left her in the wilds to fend for herself. She has found a pretty healthy way to cope with it but that solution took a while to get to.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zoe is pretty smart but she really shines in her emotional intelligence and ability to improvise. She will spend hours planning out routes, scouting locations and going over plans, but those can fail and its the ability to make split second decsisons that has served her so well during her life.

Personality Characteristics


Because of the curse from her father and the hag she has neither the strength nor the stamina to navigate the wilderness with her own body. After talking with some knowledgable people, she knows that the contract is designed to feed off of her suffering, no longer being able to partake in the life she loved and grew up in. But with the help of her wife, and her friends she's able to continue to go and experience nature, using her expertise to help people.   Her motivation is to use her gifts to help people, while denying the hag her sustinance by not succumbing to dwelling in despair

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Animal Handling +10
  • Nature +9
  • Perception +10
  • Stealth +7
  • Stealth +10
  • Athletics -1
  • Constitution / Strength Saving Throws

Likes & Dislikes

  • The Wilderness
  • Starry Nights
  • Simple Meals
  • Manipulative people
  • Failing to do anything about the circumstances you find yourself in.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • She's always takes the time to get to know the people she's traveling with. Their names, their stories, as much as she can
  • She's extremely reliable, even if she can't always physically do the tasks she makes it work
  • She's good at making plans and sticking too them
  • She has a passion and drive that keeps her going through hard times and long hours

Vices & Personality flaws

  • She needs to be kept away from figures of authority for the areas they're rescued people from. She'll fight and attack them if they are in any way complicit.
  • She has very little sympathy for people unwilling to make an effort to change the way their life is going and will dead ass tell them that to their faces.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Draft




Wife (Vital)

Towards Zoe




Partners, started working together, started dating and eventually got married. Use the windblown as a way to find people to help at the cost of being used to sneak members into places they aren't technically allowed to be.


Agent (Important)

Towards Seteth




Spymaster (Important)

Towards Zoe




The relationship is mostly functional. Seteth feeds information from her network to point zoe in the direction of contracts and sometimes even uses windblown members and resources to get whoever they're transporting. Zoe doesn't dislike anyone with the company but for her its really more a means to an end. That isn't to say she doesn't enjoy her time there but if they stopped giving her information she would push to leave.


member (Important)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

company (Important)

Towards Zoe




The pair started working for the windblown during a refugee handoff with umenan. Seteth was the point of conact for the operation while zoe and draft were hired by a third party for a leg of the journey. Seteth was impressed and, with Aay's recommendation from his and Draft's growing up together, they were offered them a spot.   Seteth gives them information about people in need of help and evacuation, and in return they move windblown members quickly to locations that might be tricky to get to with magic or need to be reached fast.

Current Status
Transporting slaves from Amn to Talumin
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
24 Mirtul 1474 DR
Draft (Wife)
Long Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
90 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, Primordial, Telepathy 60 ft.
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