The Emerald Enclave Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Emerald Enclave

The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive in the wilderness. Branches of the organization are scattered throughout Faerûn and often operate in isolation from the others. This existence teaches the Enclave’s members a fierce self-reliance and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills.   A ranger of the Enclave might be hired to lead a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass or the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A druid might volunteer to help a village prepare for a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and druids who live as hermits might appear from nowhere to help defend a town against marauding orcs.   Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to survive and, more importantly, to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to keep it in balance with the wild. They restore and preserve the natural order, even as they root out and destroy all that is unnatural. They keep the elemental forces of the world in check and keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.


The Pilgrims Path regularly takes work from the Enclave. There are way stations or representatives near almost every city or town and there is generally work to do. The Path will use these smaller contracts to make some money while on the journey to larger missions since they're bound to travel by land.


The enclave isn't wild about some of the windblowns other work, but they are regularly hired to manipulate political agendas towards conservation, and if that doesn't work, hired interrupt construction and clearing of areas that should be preserved.   The two have an excellent relationship and the enclave helped setup bellmere


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