The Garden Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Garden

  First Floor:   The first floor is a garden that Winnifred cultivates with exotic plants that are maintained magically that she collects from her travels. The floor is soft forest soil and the there is a teleportation circle inscribed in the back of the wagon. From the doorway the teleportation circle is obscured by foliage, and even standing on top of it you will need to move aside the low lying vegetation to see it.   Second Floor:   The second floor is the bedroom / lounge space for the Twingems. Coming up the stairs is the lounge area with a railing overlooking the lower part, couches lining the port wall, a table, and a bookshelf. Seperated by a curtain is their bedroom. Sharing a wall with the bookshelf is a wide closet running floor to ceiling and the entire rest of the space is connected by a gigantic mattress. Xirora has her own section of the matress on the eastern wall since Winnifred and Triza both kick and roll too much in their sleep and she needs less sleep than they do anyways.


This wagon has no means of moving it self and must be pulled either by Baby or draft horses.

Armor and defense

This wagon was grown by Winnifred out of and acts as a living vessel. Its resistant to bludgeoning and piercing damage, but vulnerable to fire. It doesn't have any actual defenses but is pretty sturdy and given a bit of time can heal itself so long as its not totally destroyed.

Communication Tools & Systems

Inscribed Teleportation Circle
The Garden. Because she grew it herself and they get to fuck on top of the flowers.
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
In a pinch it can hold 8 people but 3 can fit comfortably.


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