Winifred Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Winnifred Twingem

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In excellent physical shape. Life on the road is dangerous and it keeps her in fighting form.

Physical quirks

Tends to walk with a bit of a bounce in her step.

Special abilities

  • Hare Trigger
  • Dreadful Strikes
  • Summon Beast/Animals/Fey
  • Mighty Summoner
  • Guardian Spirit
  • Spirit Totem
  • Wild Shape
  • Lucky Footwork
  • Rabbit Hop
  • Spells - Mobility - Healing - AOE damage
  • Shield Master
  • War Caster

Specialized Equipment

  • Carries a signiture wooden war club with an obsidian ball for the head
  • She wears a cloth armor woven with hardened bark and resin woven into the material
  • Keeps a carved wooden mask on her person at all times. Wears it during combat
  • Shield of Repelling
  • Ring of the Ram
  • Ring of Evasion

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to refugees from the feywild evacuation to Sarifal, Winnifred is a 3rd generation immigrant to Faerun. Her grandparents acted as guides in the feywilds and her parents took up a smiliar mantle in their new island home. Winnifred grew up acting a mix of both native and invasive (fey) creatures around the groves and territories of Gwynneth but as she matured she looked towards the mainlands for a future adventuring.   This instinct was sharply tempered when a friend from childhood, Iefyr Sarven returned home one day having been brutalized in the wood ona a hunt for Lady Ordlof. Her entire party destroyed, Iefyr turned to her old friend for comfort and after a time both set out from the isles to the mainland, not in search of adventure but to start a new in the Talumin. Here they met The Windblown Mercenary Tome. Iefyr saw this as a new calling, but Winnifred was less certain. They want their seperate ways and signed on with a caravan headed north to Waterdeep.   She joined up with a different company escorting people all across the north, with the two that would eventually become her wives. Years went by and Winnifred both married and formed the Pilgrim's Path Caravan Co. with Triza and Xirora.   As the company started looking for clients her thoughts turned back to Iefyr. She reached out and The Windblown had a good deal of work for them. While the company takes other clients The Windblown have been steady and reliable income, and after several years of partnership Winnifred eventually gave in and joined up.




Basically no formal education outside her druid training but a good deal of practical knowledge from a life on the road.


Doing pretty well for herself as caravan leader.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has many accomplishments as a warrior and a friend but when asked she'll always list out the hardships she's helped people overcome, and the security she's offered all the travelers they've carried both in terms of actual security and the saftey of their new destinations.

Failures & Embarrassments

Every person who's died or been hurt on her watch is a moment she struggles to look back on.

Mental Trauma

Life has been pretty kind to Winifred and other than the friends she's lost on her journies the biggest trauma was by far the loss of Triza and the rest of the company. While she was able to save triza and it wasn't as bad as it could have been the scare was enough instill a fear and overprotectiveness that, even years later, she struggles to shake.

Intellectual Characteristics

Generally carefree, Winifred has lived a lot of life and tried to offer guidance and wisdom when she can. She knows more than most that you can go at any minute so she tried to her life to the fullest. Since taking up position as the leader of the company she's had to take into consideration whats best for everyone not just herself.

Morality & Philosophy

Don't be stupid and take unnecessary risks but theres no guarantee of more than one life so no point spending it standing still.

Personality Characteristics


Going new places and meeting new people. There's money to be made and people to escort/kill but the adventure and stream of new experiences is her primary motivation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Nature
  • Survival
  • Perception
  • Persuasion
Ineptitudes (+3)
  • Investigation
  • Slight of Hand
  • Stealth

Likes & Dislikes

  • Eating
  • Cuddling
  • Dancing around a campfire with friends
  • Deception
  • Staying up late
  • Losing

Virtues & Personality perks

Once she's in she's in 100%. Winnifred is quite literally ride or die. For triza and some other caravan members its ride, die, then get ressurected and keep riding. Shes fun at parties and isn't afraid to stand up for herself or her people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Winnifred is a creature of impulse and has a hard time controlling herself when temped if there is no responsibility specifically stoping her from partaking in a particular vice.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Wife (Vital)

Towards Xirora




These two were absolutely infatuated with each other from the moment they met. Xirora had been traveling with the caravan for a while and was actively dating Triza. Winnifred was just coming onto the caravan crew, and was immediately drawn in by the pair. While Xi was open to multiple partners Triza had an issue with it so it caused a lot of friction when Xi was honest about her feelings and was met with insecurity and invalidation. They first slept together when Triza and Xi were on a break. But when X&T got back together they put it on pause.   For Winnifred this was more inconvenient than an actual issue so she was fine just flirting and having fun in the background. That was until Triza was killed in an attack and they 3 were all each other had. After dying Triza realized how silly her insecurities were and the three were together. They got married about a year later.

Relationship Reasoning

They're both super into each other, have great sex, and make each other laugh.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Nature
  • Exploring the outdoors
  • Cooking
  • Making Triza uncomfortable with public displays of affection


Wife (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Wife (Vital)

Towards Triza




These two were shared an attraction from day one. Triza had been traveling with the caravan the longest of the three and was actively dating Xirora. Winnifred was just coming onto the caravan crew, and was immediately drawn in by the pair. Triza felt drawn to her but also guilty for having feeling for someone other than her partner. This was only compounded when Xirora confessed the same feelings. Triza reacted badly and the two ended up taking some time off.   During this break Triza and Winnifred started talking more and ended up sleeping together. While Winnifred was fine with everything, Triza started to panic and tried to patch things up with Xirora. They did and not long after Triza died in an attack on the caravan. As she died she reflected on how stressful she had made the last few weeks of her life for no reason. There was a mutual attraction between the three of them and she was the only one resisting it. She decided to give it a shot and be better if she survived this. But she didn't survive.   When she woke up both of them were standing over her. When she sat up her perspective had quite literally shifted. Winnifreds resurrection spell had reincarnated her into the body of a goliath and the three of them were the only survivors of the attack. She had a support network and after it came out that all three of them had already slept together the remaning hesitation ( and had a spiderman finger pointing meme moment ) they all leaned into it.

Relationship Reasoning

They're both extremely passionate, clever and hyper competitive. They're drawn to each other as confidants, but also lovingly antagonize each other to be better and draw inspiration from each other.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Xirora's Cooking
  • Curiosity and a desire to create
  • Traveling and culture
  • Exploring new cities
  • Fighting


Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Winifred




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Iefyr



Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
26nd of Mirtul, 1461 DR
Horstall - Sarifal, Moonshae Isles
Xirora (Wife)
Triza (Wife)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White/Gray fur
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Elvish, Primordial, Sylvan

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