The Lady of the Night Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Lady of the Night

Mid deck:
  The main deck of the lady of the night is mostly storage. Starting from the stern a set of stairs leads from a docking area to the deck. Fruit trees cover the port and starboard ends of the deck that allow for fresh food on long journeys, and make it more difficult for enemy boarders to jump onto the ship. A pair of cranes at the stern allow for easy loading/unloading of cargo to ports, and a pair of skiffs for transport into tighter areas. There are also storage cabinets on the outside, a staircase curving up to the top deck, and three entrances to the kitchen and port/starboard cargo areas.   There is an section for personal storage in the port cargo area, but other than that the cargo areas are mainly used for just cargo. the windows begin 5 feet above ground level from port/starboard and the bow of the cabin area and form a three sided pyramid shape until they meet with the boundaries of the top deck. So the tallest cargo needs to be closest to the cabin.   The main cabin area contains doors to bow/stern, stairs leading below decks port/starboard, and a trap door under the rug leading to the net crawlspace shown in the bottom deck image. Its got a full kitchen with a magically powered stove and a dining table / lounge area. The cabinets on the port side (next to the dining area) only extend about 5 feet up so you can see out the windows to port. The Kitchen cabinets are full from ceiling to counter except from the bread baskets to the bow, which allows gives a view of the starboard side from the kitchen.   The bow area is mostly more groves. The trees provide food, break up spray to the cockpit located above the front door, and give the ship energy to repair. All of the trees on board are able to be used with the tree stride spell. The sails protect the port and starboard groves from the majority of the waves. They're connected by a set of silk lines that can be reeled in to furl or unfurl them.   Top Deck:
  The top deck is fairly simple. A spiral staircase connects to the lower deck. There are two self loading ballistas loaded with 10 Concussive Bolts each. The ballistas are mounted on sliding tracks that are locked or unlocked from the cockpit and moved to one side or the other by turning the ship sharply, and fire perpendicular to the direction of travel.   The cockpit is located in line with the stairs below and the front door. Its a elastic mesh net supported between a series of levers and pedals which operate connected to spooling mechanisms below the ship used to furl the sails, and the rudders. The sails are by default fully extended so the levers need to be activated to lower a drag wheel into the water and spool in the silk rigging. The port/starboard sails/rudders can be controlled with the same lever pull or engaged independently. A series of wooden tablets (inscribed with maps and travel notes using Umenans magical tinkering) that slot into the surrounding console and act as a navigation system, along with his Circle of Stars star map and the professor orb, Admiral Zaavu Ugunathala that can steer the ship one lever at a time using mage hand.   Bottom Deck:
  The lower decks of the lady of the night, are split into two catamaran hulls connected by a hidden series of walkways. Port Side: From stern to bow.
  • A teleportation circle connecting to The Weeping Peak with closets containing coats and supplies for journeys.
    • A hidden door on the starboard side leads to the network of walkways below the ship.
    • A hidden door behind a cabinet in the larder connects on the bow side.
  • The larder contains all of the supplies the crew and passengers will need for any given journey and is refilled each time they dock in a town or city.
    • There is a hidden storage area in the back of the bow wine barrel.
  • A hallway that leads up to the Mid deck and connects the larder and captains quarters.
  • The captains quarters are fairly self explanatory. Its where Umenan has his artificers workshop and bed. A stool attached to a rail lets it slide the length of the room to access all of the desks easily.
    • There is a hidden door behind the model globe leading to the port hidden quarters.
  • There is a hidden room at the bow that allows passengers to be transported in something resembling luxury while still allowing them to remain hidden for the length of any voyage. It is a well fine bed and the room has several windows but the room is scarcely decorated and it relies on the guests to entertain themselves.
    • There is a hidden panel next to the bed for things that really need to stay secret.
    • There is a hidden door to starboard leading to another storage passage and the network of walkways beneath the ship.
Starboard Side: From stern to bow.
  • A storage room used to hide away some of the clone jars for The Windblown lieutenants, though Umenan doesn't know who's jar he has.
    • A hidden door on the port side leads to the network of walkways below the ship.
    • A hidden door in the wall connects to the secret altar room.
  • An altar for those who need to pray on a long voyage, tucked away along the back of wine barrels for the passengers.
    • A hidden door on in the side of one of the wine barrels leads to a cache for the lich cas nor alaf.
    • A hidden door in the bow wall behind a cabinet leads to the crew area.
  • The passenger area is split by a hallway into personal storage on the port side and a recreation area with a bench, table, and the only lantern on the ship.
  • A hallway that leads up to the Mid deck and connects the passenger area and passenger quarters.
  • The passenger quarters is one room with no floor visible, its all various beds they've collected over time. It holds about 13 people.
    • A hidden door on the bow wall leads to the rainseekers unofficial quarters
  • Rainseekers quarters are technically more quarters for smuggling passengers but the rainseeker sisters in particular but The Windblown in general spend a lot of time here so they take these rooms if nobody is using them.
    • There is a hidden door to starboard leading to another storage passage and the network of walkways beneath the ship.
  Walkways beneath the ship: Beneath the main deck of the ship are a series of walkways that connect in an I shape to the teleportation room, the clone room, and both smuggling bedrooms. The middle portion is a net mesh you can crawl over with a small skiff to get people off the ship undetected. There is a hidden door leading to the northern walkway to access this from the smuggling bedrooms.   Directly across the hall behind yet another hidden door is the the vault, where most of Umenan's gold, platinum, and gems reside. This is where he keeps items that need to be securely smuggled and a good chunk of emergency money for The Windblown is kept here too. Behind this, locked behind the last hidden door in the ship, is the coffin of the Yezella, wife and spy mistress of the Vampire Lord Umagoth, leader of the Pirate Isles. If she does die she will regenerate here and has a long standing contract for Umenan to quitely return her to the isles.


Everfull sails connecting the first and second decks generate forward power while keeping the profile low

Weapons & Armament

A pair of ballista's mounted on the top deck can be moved by tracks to fire bolts at enemy ships. Each Ballista by default makes two attacks at +10 to hit and 3d10+5 damage, so 4 total.   However the players can load in special balista bolts, sacrificing one of their attacks for one of the following.   An array of different types of ballista bolts can be loaded for various effects.
  • Ensnaring harpoon - halve movement speed on hit
  • Harpoon of lightning ,acid, frost, force +4d6 damage type on dex, con, dex save dc 16
  • Illuminated Harpoon - advantage on all attacks for a round if it hits
  • Enfeebling harpoon - +2d6 necrotic, on failed dc 18 con save it deals half as much on its next str attack.
  • Smoke Harpoon - only does 1d10 +5 damage total but a hit blinds the target for one round making it take all attacks at disadvantage
  • Experimental bolt - 6d10 additional fire damage on hit. on miss each creature in 300 ft must make a DC 18 save or take 3d10 +15 piercing damage from shrapnel
  • Armor and defense

    The Living hull will repair the ship slowly but automatically as long as it doesn't sink. The actual defenses of the ship are pretty limited. The low profile halves the effective range of enemy ship weapons.   A series of Glyphs of Warding are placed through out the first deck, with several lightning and ice traps, one revivify trap at the on the middle bow, and two wind wall glyphs are on each side, stern and bow to block projectiles and make it more difficult for borders to jump across.   It's also equpied with a smugglers banner in case it needs a quick escape.

    Additional & auxiliary systems

    A pair of immovable rods act as an anchor   Weapons and Armor Lockers
    • Mariner's Half Plate x3
    • Mariner's Plate x1
    • Mariner's Studded Leather x3
    • Mariner's Studded Leather x3
    • Cloak of the Manta Ray
    • Cloak of the Bat

    Hangars & docked vessels

    Three skiffs powered by tiny everful sails with oars are stored on ship. Two on the starboard stern deck, one hidden below the main deck behind secret passage below the mid bow.
    Owning Organization
    Related Technologies
    Complement / Crew
    Cargo & Passenger Capacity
    1500 sqft. of cargo. Up to 30 passengers


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