Umenan Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In solid shape, the constant work around the ship keeps him active.

Special abilities

  • Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry
  • Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary, Eyes of Night, Vigilant Blessing
  • Infusions, Eldritch Cannon, Flash of Genius, Magic Item Adept
  • Wild Companion, Starry Form, Star Map
  • Feats: Keen Mind, Spell Sniper, Chef, Medium Armor Master
  • Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Cook's Utensils, Forgery Kit, Herbalism Kit, Navigator's Tools, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (Water), Weaver's Tools, Woodcarver's Tools

Apparel & Accessories

Is fairly decked out in magic items. The temperatures on the Sea of Fallen Stars drop rapidly at night when he does most of his sailing so he either has his ring of warmth attuned or keeps his heavy coat and boots on to stay ready to sail.

Specialized Equipment

  • Admiral Zaavu Ugunathala - Professor Orb
  • Cloak of the Manta Ray
  • Eyes of the Eagle
  • Ring of Warmth
  • Infusions: Wood Gauntlet Arcane Focus, Palm Leaf Shield
  • Handy Haversack
  • Lady of the Night
  • Eldritch Cannon

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a family of talented magicians in Cormanthyr, he grew up learning magic and working on ships in the city state of Hillsfar on the southern Moonsea. As his skills grew he set out on merchant ships to traveling and exploring the sea of fallen stars. His skills as a craftsman quickly came to the forefront as he devised cleverly concealed compartments and holds on some of the less reputable of these vessels and after several years made a reputation for himself as a smuggler with certain crews.   On a journey through the pirate isles his ship was set upon by a leviathan, resulting in the deaths of most of the crew with the rest washing ashore on one of the a remote island north west of the main pirate isles for a little over a month. Some their magic kept them alive, but one of the crew, Arfaen was a druid with experience in sailing. The remaining survivors were able to gather materials. Under the direction of Arfaen and with the skills of Umenan they were able to construct a skiff just strong enough to get them to the next port over, Imurk's Hold.   Umenan stayed in his new port facinated by the possibilities of combining druidc magic with his artificer techniques he spent the better part of a year working and designing his new ship, The Lady of the Night. To complete it he set up two contracts. The first was with his mother, the lich Cas Nor Alaf would orchestrate the commission of the ship with fey wild and when the time came help him move it to the material plane in exahnge for keeping her phylactry in a safe space somewhere in its secret holds. The second was with the rulers of the island the recently installed vampire rulers of Imurks hold, Lord and Lady Umagoth. In exchange for the rare magical components he placed at the core of its design he would carry one of their coffins for as long as the ship sailed, and prioritize smuggling contracts from them for 10 years.   The Umagoths are information brokers and most of their assignments were carrying out payment for sensitive information from various peoples around the Sea of Fallen Stars, provide safe passage to someones spouse, carry this politician to the a neighboring kingdom, etc. but through them Umenan came into contact with Asha and Seteth, who needed easy reliable teleportation access off the shore of Procampur for an assignment. The the arrangement was simple enough and the trio got along well so they continued working together. After about a year Umenan joined full time and as he met and became more familiar with the members a few began living with him on the ship between contracts.


A classical education from his family and years of practical experience as a shipwright, sailor and smuggler.


Steady employment with the Imurk's Hold and the Windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Despite a fairly powerful family he's made his own way
  • He pokes and prods various pirate factions but can't be caught, bitches
  • People feel that his home is comfortable enough to call their own
  • Years ago he learned how to make ramen from a master in Rashemen and it literally killed a guy it was so good.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • He got his shit found out and wrecked which killed multiple people and ended with him stranded on an island.
  • The massive amount of debt he's ended up in getting his ship and inventions sorted out. He's drawn to high risk smuggling contracts for this reason.

Mental Trauma

Being stranded was rough and every day he comes up against that wall again. His work his high risk high reward and while he's got lots of tricks up his sleeve he doesn't know the outcome of any given assignment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Exteremely intelligent and tends to get a little compulsive and go overboard with his creations. He is always ready to welcome people to his floating home regardless of the amount of space available.

Morality & Philosophy

Most things go with Umenan. As long as its justified violence doesn't bother him. Its infrequetn but he does have to fight to survive while on the seas. He accepts humanoid cargo but not against their own will and if he finds out they are being coerced he diverts course and referrs them to bell mere.


Being a bitch ass snitch. If you're in then be in.

Personality Characteristics


$$$$$. Adventure is nice but he has such a low key way of doing things he would really rather just everything go off smoothly.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +10
  • Deception +7
  • Nature +10
  • Perception +10
  Ineptitudes +3
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Likes & Dislikes

  • Escaping impossible situations
  • New exotic foods
  • Quiet nights sailing under the stars
  • Like really bad jokes
  • Making unnecessary trouble
  • Sunburn
  • Sports

Vices & Personality flaws

He takes his ship and his jobs very seriously. This isn't a bad thing but he tends to accept jobs quickly or carelessly. Sometimes these are more complicated or dangerous than expected and put him and who ever is on board in tight situations.

Personality Quirks

Is always shading his eyes in the most moderate sunlight



Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Umenan




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Asha



Shala Rainseeker

Friend (Important)

Towards Umenan




Friend (Important)

Towards Shala Rainseeker




Shala was looking for a quiet space away from the bustle of the peak and after a year or so ended up on the Lady of the Night. She has always loved the quiet of the sea and ended up bunking in the hidden guest quarters with. Umenan enjoys her company and appreciates having a regular companion to help with navigating the dangerous waters.

Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
21 Deepwinter 1465 DR
Current Residence
The Lady of the Night
He / Him
Grey Green
Brown, Shoulder Length
180 lb
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Elvish, Primordial


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