Shala Rainseeker Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Shala Rainseeker


Shala has extensive experience as both a body guard and a straight up killer. She uses a combination of grappling, close and range combat, magic items and poisons to dibilitate and execute her opponents.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Not terribly strong but she's quick and tough. She's in excellent shape and is at the top of her game as a dex fighter.

Identifying Characteristics

She's a Yuan-ti pureblood so she had vertical pupils and pointed fangs like a vampire. She has purple and gray hair she keeps loosely pulled back.

Special abilities

  • Dueling / Archery / Second Wind / Action Surge
  • Improved Critical / Remarkable Athlete / Indomitable
  • Unarmored Defense / Unarmed Strike
  • Defensive Duelist / Grappler / Observant / Piercer / Poisoner

Apparel & Accessories

Shala dresses in a simple robe or light clothing, to lower people's guard. She normally only has her sword, a hidden hand crossbow and a backpack with easy access to her various poisons. She generally sticks to cooler colors.

Specialized Equipment

  • Rapier of Wounding
  • Bracers of Defense
  • Cloak of Displacement
  • Poisoners Kit
  • Poisoner's Poison / Wyvern Poison / Drow Poison

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shala wasn't old enough to remember the death of their parents in Najara. They lived with some of their political allies for a year or two before the situation turned for the worse and a bounty was put on the sisters heads. Ilush, a loyal friend of their parents took the girls down river to Beldenshyn and by land to Baldur's Gate. She died to a bigoted mob at the gates and in the chaos Zessa was able to get everyone inside. They lived in a hovel scrounging for the better part of a year until Zessa was able to talk her way into a servants position at a brothel uptown.   Shortly after while Ussu and Shala were home alone they were attacked by some of the Zhentarim. They tried to fight back, and even as a child Shala was able to kill one of the attackers. In response she got kicked through a wall and down a hill while Ussu was kidnapped. Zessa came home to the wreckage and found she was missing a sister with the other brutally wounded. Shala took this really hard and started getting into fights as an 8 year old. She had enough talent that one of the roaming gangs of children picked her up and she spent the next year running with them. After a year Ussu returned having been rescued by monks. The sisters were delighted to be reunited but the damage was done. Could return during the summers but would return to the monestary the rest of the year.   By that point, Shala was already in pretty far with the gangs. A year of fighting and stealing had drawn attention to her for her talent, and was taken on by the upcoming crime boss Nauxi to be an informant, and a spy. She also paid of Shala to be trained as an agent and killer for her crew. She was very good at this and by the time she was 18 she had fully paid off the cost of her training and was earning enough money to help support her sisters. Ussu's training ended a year earlier and the three sisters lived together in Baldurs gate for another 3 years taking mercenary and assassination work together. Eventually they drew the attention of Xior of The Windblown and after watching them work, offered them a position with the company.   The three sisters still take contracts as a group but they've also found individual roles within the guild. Shala was recruited by Xior almost immediately for his Zhentarim hunting missions. She was more than happy to take out some of her long held revenge against them and has been working with The Windblown since. She also acts as the guilds poison maker along with Zessa.




Trained with Nauxi and other underground fighting trainers in baldurs gate for years. She is a trained body guard an experienced fighter and poisoner.


Steady employment fighting with the Windblown. She doesn't take contracts other than to support her sisters on one of their contracts or Xior's kill contracts.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She doesn't particularly enjoy hurting other people but there is a level of pride in how much better she is at fighting than most other people. She's also quitely proud of how she was able to contribute to taking care of her sisters growing up, and even though they work together less than they did as kids she's glad they're all still a family.

Failures & Embarrassments

The biggest fight she ever lost was when Ussu was kidnaped and she's never really gotten over it.

Mental Trauma

Shala was a bit too young to remember the death of her parents but growing up orphaned in Baldurs Gate left all of the sisters with a lot of hard lessons, some of which they're still grappling with.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quiet, confident and respectful, she is ready to throw down at a moments notice. She's almost always on high alert except at her room in the peak or when she feels safe with Zessa.

Morality & Philosophy

After years of hard living and fighting she's got no issues at all with killing but seeing kids mistreated still brings back some trauma and tends to break her composure.   All bets are off if one of her sisters is in danger.

Personality Characteristics


Shala just wants to exist and live a quiet life with her plants in a cottage in the woods or a small town on the water or something. She isn't quite sure yet but her sisters need her help to stay safe and as long as that's going on she is ready to help. This all holds true with the very pointed exception of her hatred towards the Zhentarim and any kind organization involved with slavery. She will go out of her way to take contracts that involve attacking these groups.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +10
  • Athletics +5
  • Insight +9
  • Persuasion +7
  • Sleight of Hand +8
  • Stealth +8
  • Dice Set, Playing Card Set, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools
  Ineptitudes +0
  • Deception
  • Intimidation
  • Performance

Likes & Dislikes

  • Staying in with a good book (cottage core vibes in her off hours)
  • Traveling
  • Nature
  • Learning about new cultures
  • Loud or obnoxious people
  • Having extra work due to someone else's fuck up
  • Hot weather

Virtues & Personality perks

Super easy going and minds her own business until some line is crossed and she's needed to win a fight. She's quiet and considerate very rarely making waves in any situation.

Vices & Personality flaws

She has trouble empathizing with people that can't stand up for themselves. Years of working for twisted people in a dangerous city have reduced her empathy for regular people.


Ussu Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shala Rainseeker



Shala Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Ussu Rainseeker




These two went through something extremely traumatic together at a very young age and have a special bond because of it. Both ended up as martial fighters, despite the disparity in skill and effort between them they both have a solid respect for one another. Their personalities can clash though and they work best together when they don't spend too much time together. Getting together for missions, the occasional meal, and then going their seperate ways is how they grew up after Ussu's rescue and how they get along now.

Zessa Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shala Rainseeker



Shala Rainseeker

Sister (Vital)

Towards Zessa Rainseeker




Zessa and Shalla are super close. They grew up in the same house and although they ended up very different they both share a passion for chemistry and relaxing in their time off. They regularly work together on poisons and planning missions. While Zessa generally runs things Shalla takes the lead on the off hours, setting up relaxing vacations at exotic locations between missions or traveling together on the Lady of the Night.

Shala Rainseeker

Friend (Important)

Towards Umenan




Friend (Important)

Towards Shala Rainseeker




Shala was looking for a quiet space away from the bustle of the peak and after a year or so ended up on the Lady of the Night. She has always loved the quiet of the sea and ended up bunking in the hidden guest quarters with. Umenan enjoys her company and appreciates having a regular companion to help with navigating the dangerous waters.

Shala Rainseeker

Apprentice (Important)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Mentor (Important)

Towards Shala Rainseeker




Shala's talent in a fight was immediately apparent to everyone but her grudge against the Zhentarim in particular caught Xior's attention. When he offered her a spot on his kill missions and she hasn't missed a one. The pair work well together and she acts as a second in command to Xior. This doesn't involve a lot but it comes into play on missions. They have a positive feedback loop fueling their hatred for the zhentarim which concerns some of the other members of the company but its not unfounded and is profitable so most people don't pay too much attention to it.

Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
9 Uktar, 1468 DR
Ussu Rainseeker (Sister)
Zessa Rainseeker (Sister)
She / Her
Blue with Vertical Pupils
Gray and Purple hair pulled back in loose bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
160 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Draconic
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