Windblown Mythallar Vehicle in Faerun | World Anvil
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Windblown Mythallar

The only real limitations are listed here
  • 500ft sphere moves with no mass limitations. Anything outside the sphere can still be moved with it as long as its structurally sound.
  • 30ft per round is about 6 mph. Telepathic link to anyone attuned
  • Control weather up to 50 miles - must be within 30 ft of the mythallar core
  • Can recharge the uses of any magic item. Limit once per item per day. No limit on the number of items.
  • Other Proposed Mythallar Designs   Aay's Proposal
        A massive hollowed tree providing a luxurious transport method for a smaller volume of troops.  
    • Luxury: The rooms and views will be fantastic here among the branches of this massive tree. Small lofts and observation decks will be available for full members and will offer immediate long rests each night, 2d10 temp hp, and access to advanced supplies (food with benefits, basic potions, potions, etc)
    • Utility: Access to Windblown facilities on board for crafting, training, research, etc. This also allows for planning with detailed maps and skilled scouts enroute to specific locations.
    • Obfuscation or Intimidation: Seeing this coming out of the sky can be initimidating, providing advantages in larger scale battles, or it can pickup/drop off troops quietly under the cover of fog or storm, allowing for stealth despite its massive size
    • Markets: The market places offered will allow players to perform downtime shopping and resource management in the lower levels
    • Extremely Defendable: The layout makes it extremely difficult to board or launch attacks against this fortress. Along with defensive wards, this is a very safe way to travel dangerous areas.
    • Variable Visibility: Its a giant floating tree, at best its obvious, at worst its terrifying. With the help of the control weather spell it can be hidden in the clouds or a storm which will require skilled flying scouts to keep the fortress on course. So decisions will need to made between visibility and notoriety.
    • Limited Availability: Aay knows how to live it up. Even traveling to active war zones, these rooms and spaces will be in high demand for windblown members.
    • Mercenary Company: The main function will be to pick up elite troops and drop them somewhere behind enemy lines on a key objective or location. Long periods of travel in tight quarters with skilled fighters can lead to some tense or at least barracks like living conditions. Gambling, a little casual thieveing and anything to keep the soldiers occupied will be the core focus of the lower levels.
    • Supply and Demand: with limited stops to resupply at towns and cities, market and component prices can spike on longer journies.
    Owning Organization
    Current location


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