A5 - Rituals

General Summary

A5 - Rituals

1496.SU.34   One morning a large storm grows to the North east and the party are sent to investigate. On the way they come across traders and travellers who were caught in the storm and explain it was in and around the Wayside Inn. Continuing on the journey the party meets trader who was been watching and explains that the storm is growing but always centred over the Inn.   With this knowledge the group venture into the storm and are immediately hit with sideways rain and lightening. Raziel is suddenly struck by lightening and falls to the floor paralysed. Her new plate armour procured from Teega begin to fall off and animate in front of her still body. The party are then caught in a vicious struggle against three animated armour suits. After a difficult battle the amour is dented and bashed beyond wearing. The party make it to the door of the Wayside Inn. This time there are farmers and traders pinned to the doors by tridents. Mordai trying to help the victims pulls the spears from them but they all bleed out before long.   The party makes it inside the Inn by smashing the door through and finding shelter in the porch. Inside the Inn there are a number of Anchorites of Talos but the party quickly dispatches them. However in the basement the remaining cultist complete a ritual and a powerful statue dedicated to Talos arises and become animated, resulting in the storm intensifying. Tied and captive in the basement Martisha Vinetalker cowers in the corner as Teega and Backes fight with the adventurers. The two former sailors are slain quickly however the statue is far more powerful and the group escape the basement trying to flee. The floor erupts in wooden planks and splinters as the statue climbs its way out of the basement and begin to chase the group. Smashing it’s way through a wall the party on the verge of death strike their final blows. In a moment of genius Raziel Willow banishes the animated statue to another plane, buying them the time to recover their composure, drink potions of healing and ready themselves for the final battle. Surrounding the statue as it returns the party all strike and cause enough damage to permanently bring the statue down.   Martisha Vinetalker and Coorgah now free and very grateful stumble outside to find that the weather is clearing and all signs of the storm are disappearing as quickly as the appeared.

Missions/Quests Completed

Discover the cause of the unnatural storm   Uncover the Anchorites of Talos within the Wayside Inn   Destroy the Animated Statue to Talos

Character(s) interacted with

Marisha Vinetalker - Owner of the Wayside inn   Coorgah - Cook in the Wayside Inn   Teega - Anchorite of Talos and former armourer of the Wayside Inn   Backes - Anchorite of Talos and former barman of the Wayside Inn
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
02 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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