A6 - Dungeons in Dragons

General Summary

A6 - Dungeons in Dragons

1496.SU.35   After hearing a number of rumours and stories regarding a magical sword buried in a tomb, the party begins to ask around Leilon. Speaking to some of the elders in the settlement and Gallio, the party learn that a Lady Tanamere Alagondar a hero and royal of Neverwinter, battled and killed an Ancient Green Dragon a century ago. Her final wish to be buried at the Dragon Barrow with her sword. The potential of owning a dragon slaying sword after facing Cryovain was to much of an opportunity to turn down. Upon arriving at the Dragon Barrow the party could see the large mound covered undead. Larger Undead ogres digging and moving large rocks on the top of the barrow. Somewhere in between the ogres and the shambling zombies and skeletons, the party believe they see Uluarn Mortis. With the potential of “cutting the head from the snake” Raziel and Captain Albert charge into battle. The Party easily dispatch the skeleton and zombie on their way in, but the tougher ogres bar the way and Uluaran Motris disappears over the crest of the mound. Once the party are on top of the mound they see a Centaur Xanth bound and tied to a large stone. Hacking the large ogres down they are able to free Xanth.   After freeing Xanth he reveals that he had been driven from his home at the Thunder circle in Neverwinter Woods, by half orcs cultist. He explained he had been at this burial site for a while and had progressively more undead attacking.   Turning their attention to the entrance and burial mound the party moves a centre stone revealing a stone stair case down into the crypt. Inside the walls are covered with large long white stones, in an unusual decorative manner. Inside a few skeletal remains have been animated by Uluaran’s Magic, but the ancient skeletons pose no threat. Lady Tanamere's undead horse however is a little more lively and strangely becomes attached to Maple allowing her to ride her through the tomb. After clearing a number of traps the sword is found at the end of the tomb where it is buried almost upto the hilt in a ceiling of white stone. Now taking a step back the group realise the tomb is actually the skeletal remains of the giant green dragon and the sword is buried in the skull of the former dragon.   Pulling the sword from the skull the party celebrate, but these are quickly cut short as two invisible forces rag doll the adventurers around the tomb. Escaping quickly Mordai shoots a huge fireball spell into the skeletal remains of the dragon. With a large boom a portion of the barrow collapses as the skeleton remains are destroyed. Now Uluaran wont be able to use the dragon in the future.

Missions/Quests Completed

Claim th Dragon Slaying Sword from the Dragon Barrow.   Save Xanth from Uluran Mortis   Defeat the Undead forces at the Barrow   Stop Uluaran Mortis from claiming the undead body of the Ancient Green Dragon

Character(s) interacted with

Xanth - A Centaur from Thunder Circle Burial ground   Uluarn Mortis - Powerful Necromancer from Chult
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
02 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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