Dragon Barrow

Dragon Barrow is the name given to the tomb of Lady Tanamere Alagondar of the Alagondar royal family of Neverwinter.   From gorund level the burial mound looks an odd shape but not unlike others. However from above, the whole barrow had the unique appearance of a dragon in flight. It is made up of a series of flat-topped, 30‑foot high mounds forming the wings, tail, and body, with a row of 10‑foot tall, sharp white boulders that comprised spines along the dragon's back. The entrance was concealed beneath one of these boulders.   The interior of the barrow consisted on dark cramped passages and burial chambers made of packed dirt around the corpse of Azdraka's skeletal remains.


Lady Tanamere died sometime in the late 14th century DR while fighting alongside two parties of adventurers against the green dragon Azdraka. In accordance with her dying wishes, her barrow was erected around the corpse of Azdraka with her sword still embedded in the skull of the dragon.   Lady Tanamere and her fallen comrades were entomb within in with their possessions, including Lady Tanamere's horse.
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