
(a.k.a. The Black Spider)

Also known as the Black Spider, he was a drow mage intent on finding the lost Wave Echo Cave.   Nezznar wore a long purple cloak with a red interior, and wielded a black quarterstaff known as a spider staff.   He was quite intelligent and curious, and had knowledge of the arcane arts. The drow did not break into a combat at any given opportunity, but preferred to first study and understand the motives of potential foes. He would, though, betray his enemies after they had exhausted their usefulness. Nezznar was a skilled wizard, and focused on different schools of magic, from evocation to illusion to abjuration.   The ambitious drow had many spies reaching all the way to Neverwinter, as well as several giant spiders, which acted as guards.   Once Nezznar learnt that Wave Echo Cave had been found he plotted using many different parties such as the Redbrand Ruffians and Cragmaw Tribe to carry out his bidding. Taking Gundren Rockseeker prisoner and interogatting him to reveal the location. He also sent multiple attacks against the PDS Co. to hamper their efforts to find Gundren. He even framed Grimnir Darkbane for the murder of Harbin Wester using a mimic.   Nezznar met his end when the Phandalin and District Shipping Company finally caught up with him at Wave Echo Cae. Whilst trying to rescue the now dead Gundren Rockseeker, Nezznar and his giant spiders were slain.
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Slain by PDS Co.