Wave Echo Cave

Wave Echo Cave is a great cavern complex within the Sword Mountains and the location of the Forge of Spells. The cavern is known for its mineral wealth as well as its magical properties. Wave Echo Cave is connected to an underground hot spring that continuously boils near the cavern. The cavern got its name from the booming sounds created every time the waves crashed against the cavern.   The mine and forge of spells is currently run by the Rockseeker brothers.

Purpose / Function

It was discovered that the cavern had wondrous magical properties. Hence, human spellcasters from the nearby town of Phandalin allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to harness this magical power and use it to its fullest potential. They bound the magic into a forge they called the Forge of Spells, where they crafted magical weapons and other items.   After being re-discovered by the Rockseeker brothers the forge of spells has been reinstated and is slowly producing magical items which it is selling across the Sword Coast.


In the 10th century DR, clans of dwarves and gnomes made a pact that would later be known as Phandelver's Pact. The pact allowed both of the races to share the riches within the mine of Wave Echo Cave. Many gained from this agreement, including the nearby human settlement of Phandalin.   However, in 951 DR, the orcs of Uruth Ukrypt came from the north and laid waste to the region. The orcs were aided by mercenary wizards when they attacked Wave Echo Cave, adamant in seizing its riches. The human spellcasters of Phandalin fought alongside the gnomes and dwarves to defend the cave. However, the battle of magic destroyed much of Wave Echo Cave. Few survived the battle and so the location of the cave was lost to history.   For hundreds of years, opportunists were attracted to the area in hopes of seeking lost treasure, including a dark elf named Nezznar.
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