Session 0: Recovering Oobok

General Summary

Character creation

Character creation was completed. None of the party are from Icewind Dale, but travelled here for various reasons and are now trapped by the endless winter. They have come to know each other through casual work that they've managed to pick up (trapping, escorting caravans, scribing, etc.) They have been staying at The Northlook and Scramsax has been notifying them of potential work.   We decided to use secrets and all the characters have one based on their backgrounds.  

Recovering Oobok

Starting off in The Northlook, Scramsax pointed the party towards a morose-looking group of dwarfs (while also reminding Shest that he owed 5sp in rent).   The leader of the group is Hruna Battlehammer who recounts their misfortune at being ambushed by a yeti while they were on their way to deliver some iron ingots to Blackiron Blades from the mines at Kelvin's Cairn. Their companion, Oobok Battlehammer, was unfortunately slain by the yeti while the rest of the group escaped, leaving the delivery of iron behind.   Baradin offered to go and recover the delivery. Hruna gratefully accepted and offered each party member a tourmaline as payment. Shest negotiated for an additional gem if they should also manage to recover Oobok's body for proper burial.   The party set off in the direction given to them by Hruna. It was a long trek, interrupted by a blizzard which Lirin helped the party navigate through, but the party managed to locate Oobok before nightfall. The sled with the iron delivery had obviously been taken by scavengers.   Following the tracks, with Shest scouting ahead, it quickly became clear that the sled was being taken by a party of four goblins, who were dragging it towards a much larger goblin vehicle - presumably to offload and take back to their camp. Without warning, Shest opened fire - killing one of the goblins. Seeing no other choice, Baradin quickly assisted in dispatching a second goblin. With two of their number dead, the other two goblins started to run towards the large goblin cart. Lirin quickly killed the third goblin, and Shest the remaining one, before they could get close to their cart. Whoever remained on the goblin cart obviously decided they were outmatched and drove off. The party did not give chase.   The party secured the delivery and Oobok's corpse, and (with the help of Buddy the Mule) had an uneventful journey back to Bryn Shander by the following morning. Hruna was very surprised, but pleased, to see the party back so soon and delighted to have the delivery and Oobok returned. Everyone took the delivery to Blackiron Blades and received their payment. Some shopping occurred. Garn the Hammer mentioned that Copper Knobberknocker at the House of the Morninglord was looking for someone to run an errand.  

Tracking a Killer

The party returned to The Northlook to celebrate (and for Shest to pay off his debt). While buying drinks, Shest asked Scramsax about the recent murder in town, and noticed that someone was paying him close attention as a result. Upon returning to the table, the party is approached by Hlin Trollbane who explains that she is a bounty hunter tracking the killer and wants to know what the party knows, she also lets slip that the murder is one in a series. When it becomes clear that the party are not involved with the murders, she asks for help in tracking down the killer. She thinks that the deaths are related to sacrifices to Auril and that the murderer is either associated with, or closely following Torg's - a travelling merchant caravan.   All three victims were from towns that practice sacrifice to Auril and had fled their respective homes to avoid them. All three were found stabbed through the heart with an ice knife. And all three occurred on dates when Torg's was in the same location. It looks like the killer was travelling west along The Eastway from Easthaven, to Bryn Shander, and the latest victim was in Targos. Hlin had just returned from Targos and has lost track of where Torg's was heading next.   Lirin and Shest went to question the witness in Bryn Shander - a woman called Tilna Melo who runs a boarding house and rented a room to the victim (Branak). She mentions that a "handsome man, with bright blue eyes" called to see Branak on the day of the murder, but "vanished" when told that Branak was out.   In the meantime, Baradin visited the House of the Morninglord to learn more about Copper's errand. Copper would like someone to deliver provisions to his friend Macreadus who lives outside of the Ten-Towns and who is working to stop the endless winter. Copper was vague on what the solution to the winter is, but it involves Lathander somehow. He also learns that the supposed witness in Targos (Skath) is actually the captain of the guard and is involved in running the lottery for the sacrifice.  

Next Steps

The party has decided to head to Targos to try and pick up the trail of Torgs, and to deliver the supplies to Macreadus if they happen to end up going that way.

Rewards Granted

  • 4 tourmaline gems (worth 10gp each)
  • The promise of a future discount at Blackiron Blades.

Character(s) interacted with


List of victims

Hlin provided a list of the victims and the witnesses she has already questioned:
  • Elsie Dapperfeet killed in Easthaven, 6 nights ago. Witness is Tegon Dapperfeet (brother).
  • Branak killed in Bryn Shander, 4 nights ago. Witness is Tilna Melo (landlady).
  • Terren killed in Targos, 3 nights ago. Witness is Skath (Captain of guard).

Cover image: by Midjourney AI