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Chapter 34: The Eye of the All-Father

General Summary

Date: 8th of Eleint to 12th of Eleint, 1491 DR

  After the devastating battle with Wormblod and his minions, the Good Fellas were suffering from the aftermath: Virion Mosstrap had lost his life during the battle. Bene, Nomime and Ranvas weren't sure if Virion had any family or if anyone else would mourn his death, so they decided to bury him to the Great Worm tribes Spirit Mound. After a days travel they arrived to the cavern where Ranvas began digging a hole through the ice, choosing to bury Virion in front of the sacred totem of the Great Wyrm Elrem. The noises of the pickaxe awoke something within the ice.   The entire cavern was shaking violently. Suddenly, massive Ice Worm burst through the thick ice ground. It shrieked a deafening scream and combat began. The worm looked heavily damaged already as Ranvas began blasting it with his gun. To their surprise it let out another painful shriek as its toothy maw began to flash in deep red color. It spit a stranger out of its mouth that landed next to Bene. The party had received an ally from the belly of the beast. With the help of Belros, the party managed to slay the behemoth and thus combat was over.   The party sought rest and looted their dead friend, giving his items to the stranger they just met. They encased Virion's body underneath the ice and spoke a few words in his name. Then they turned towards the newcomer.   Belros said he was from Mournbryn's Shield and had come to the mountains to seek knowledge of some giant rune he procured from somewhere. Since the party had lost their muscle, they decided to hire Belros without pay to come with them to the Eye of the All-Father and Belros agreed to this. They rested for the night and come morn, they took the giant relic and left the cavern, venturing through the high passes of the Spine of the World.   Eventually the party passed a massive stone causeway that led them to an enormous stone dome entrance carved within the mountainside. They ventured inside through the hall to the temple where they met Harshnag. Harshnag was saddened to hear that Virion had lost his life along the way, but the party introduced him to the new man Belros who had taken his place.   In order to consult the Oracle, the Giants would gather and each type would face a trial and fetch an orb, placing it to the arms of their giant god. Once all the orbs were in their rightful place, the door to the Oracle would open and each Giant could ask one question. Harshnag walked to the Frost Giant test, where he broke a giant ice wall and fetched the blue orb from within it. The party decided to start with the rest of the trials.   The Hill Giant trial required them to push a boulder through a ramp and drop it down, breaking it and thus revealing the brown orb that was inside it. The Stone Giant trial required them to meditate in order to become one with the stone like Stone Giants, where Nomime fetched the grey orb (albeit Ranvas was halfway there with his pickaxe).   Fire Giant trial asked them to grab the metal bands that would melt into a gauntlet holding the red orb. Nomime summoned a fire elemental that wasn't afraid to get burned and thus they completed the trial. They tried to use the elemental in the Cloud Giant trial, but as it touched the orb, the cloud floor vanished, resulting it to fall a 100 feet down.   While waiting for the floor to come back up, Ranvas fetched the Storm Giant orb by diving into the murky whirlpool in the trial room. He had no trouble holding his breath as he dove 300 feet down to fetch the yellow orb. Once the floor came back up in the Cloud Giant trial room, Ranvas used the air current to blow the white orb outside of the room. The party had collected all of the orbs and as they placed the last one in, a portal opened to the oracle.   They headed inside to find a hexagonal room, where each corner was adorned by a life-sized statue of a giant holding a iron lantern. Each of the giant types were represented. A Kong rune decorated the floor as well as a cloud giant body. The party asked Harshnag to place the relic onto the floor, where it disappeared and appeared in to the hands of the Frost Giant statue. The party was ready to ask their questions.   They asked how to restore the Ordning, where is King Hekaton and how to find him, who rules in his stead and how to get to the court of the Storm Giants as well as which Giant Lord has the conch of teleportation. Once the questions were answered they exited to portal back to the temple. To their dismay, they were not alone.   Two massive blue wings spread inside the temple as a massive, gargantuan blue dragon burst inside the room. It wanted to know what the party had learned from the oracle and since her secret was yet uncovered she grew satisfied. The party would not leave the temple alive and disrupt her plans. The statues of the giant gods began to animate. Bene's remark towards the dragon didn't go unpunished, as the wyrm turned her gaze towards the rogue. To the horror of the everyone, Benes hand began to petrify.   Harshnag charged towards the dragon, taking her off her balance. He swung his axe, but made no damage with his impact. Harshnag roared the heroes to escape as he clashed against the dragon. The Good Fellas ran, dodging the attacks from the giant statues. With one final strike, Harshnag broke a chunk from the statue. This act of desecration caused the entire mountain to fall down on top of the temple.   The heroes barely made they way outside as they watched the Eye of the All-Father collapse on itself. Harshnag was lost, taking the dragon with him. His sacrifice would not be in vain, for the heroes would venture off and face the Giant Lords, uncovering the plots that befell the Court of the Storm Giants. Will the Good Fellas have what it takes to restore peace back in to the lands of the Savage Frontier or will they perish like so many before them?

Rewards Granted

  • Opal of the Ild Rune

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Speak with the Oracle

Character(s) interacted with

  • Harshnag
  • The Oracle
  • Iymrith
Storm King's Thunder
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
27 Dec 2022


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