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Chapter 53: Court of the Storm Giants

General Summary

Date: 15th of Uktar to 16th of Uktar, 1491 DR

  As the heroes returned to the guest chambers to retire for the evening they were visited by Imperator Uthor . He relayed a message from Princess Serissa that the final voting of the war would happen tomorrow after midday. The party would have until then to convince at least two of the giants to vote against war.    Wasting no time, the heroes made arrangements to meet with the Cloud Giant Count, Vaal, who enjoyed portraying his wealth out in the open. The heroes seized this opportunity to bribe him with a few magical items and a promise to find King Hekaton. Otherwise the party would owe the Count a debt of 40,000 gold (plus interest). Ranvas wasn't too happy with the deal, but Bene guaranteed it was the best course of action to gain the Giant's vote.   After the meeting the heroes rested and as morning arrived to the Storm Giant Hold, Nomime teleported into Phandalin to fetch the goblin Nut. The heroes met with the Fire Giant Duchess Tartha while she was enjoying her breakfast. The heroes tried to persuade her into voting against the war, but the short tempered duchess wasn't keen on hearing promises, and dismissed the party. Outside of her room, they saw one of the suspicious handmaidens of Ymira, who most likely was reporting the events back to the Seer.   Still needing to claim a vote in their favor, the Good Fellas met with the Frost Giant Jarl Hellenhild. The Giant wasn't one to trade words, but punches so they struck a deal with him: If they could best the Jarl in combat, he would respect their wishes and vote against war. A fierce skirmish ensued, but eventually the party was victorious and thus claimed the vote of the Frost Giant as well as a potential ally on the oncoming battles.   Once they exited the chamber, a guard named Orlekto appeared before them and told them they were summoned by Princess Miriam. Once led to a large chamber the oldest Storm Giant Princess let the heroes know that she was surprised by their efficient way of convincing the giants to their side. She asked the party to convince Princess Serissa to relinquish the crown to her and the party would gain the favor of the Storm Giants at their side.    The party declined and barely containing her fury, Princess Miriam dismissed the party. They were led into a coral garden where they were ambushed by a hulking crab as well as an animated statue of a Storm Giant. The heroes fought valiantly and brought down both threats. Nomime contacted one of the friendlier Storm Giants to release them from the garden and the guard escorted them back to their guest chamber.   After a few hours, the heroes gained a summon from Princess Serissa. She told that the voting proved successful and war would be postponed, but other matters had come to her attention. The Princess was informed of an incident with her sister and wanted to learn what happened. The tension escalated and tempers flared as both sides were adamant they were telling the truth. Eventually Serissa deemed the matter solved which upset the Seer and her sister Nym. Since Princess Serissa would trust small folk rather than her counsel, Ymira left the chambers.    With unforseen turn of events, Nym captured the Korolnor Scepter from Serissa which paralyzed the princess to the Wyrmskull Throne and dove inside the pool at the center of the chamber. Orlekto who was summoned for questioning attacked the party along with Ymira's handmaiden who was proven to be a statue in disguise.   Ranvas pursued after the princess while his friends fought against the Seer's handmaiden and the traitorous Storm Giant guard serving Miriam. Despite their valiant efforts, the victory came at a cost as Ranvas emerged from the water only to see Princess Nym dying on the ground. Her throat was slashed by the Seer Ymira, who teleported away with the scepter in hand. Before the departure Ranvas caught a glimpse of how Ymira's eyes shifted into slits, like that of a dragons.   The heroes might have delayed the war between Storm Giants and humans, but with Maelstrom in chaos they find themselves with more questions than answers. Can they rescue Princess Serissa who's currently paralyzed in the Wyrmskull Throne. Is King Hekaton truly alive? What schemes has the Cult of the Dragon pulled and how deep does the rabbit hole go? Can they save the Giants and humans and bring an end to this conspiracy that has wreaked havoc for too long?

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Managed to postpone war between Giants and humans (not including the traitorous Giant Lords)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Uthor 
  • Count Vaal
  • Duchess Tartha
  • Jarl Hellenhild
  • Orlekto, the traitorous guard
  • Princess Miriam
  • Princess Serissa 
  • Ymira
Storm King's Thunder
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP
Nomime Shandri
Bene Lugosi
Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Ranvas Pahrunath
Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
27 Jan 2024


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