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Chapter 7: Friend or Foe

General Summary

Date: 28th of Mirtul, 1491 DR

  The adventurers regrouped under the trees of Neverwinter Wood, barely escaping Cragmaw Castle. When their saved patron Gundren Rockseeker was awoken by Bene, the beaten-down and barely conscious dwarf was set to retrieve the map back from the leader of the Cragmaw Tribe and was willing to risk his life by entering the Cragmaw Castle by himself. The party was successful in persuading the dwarf to "fight another day" and promised him they would get the map tomorrow.   While the party was ready to journey back, Gurbak sneaked into their resting place from the cover of the woods. Gurbak warned the party that King Grol is most likely to set their hunters against the party, while they would be traveling back. He suggested they could use this to their advantage and assault Cragmaw Castle, now that it would have less defenders. When the party declined, Gurbak seemed to grow agitated and angry, eventually losing his talkative temper as he quietly walked away.   Now the party was ready to press on. Their journey started off well, until Firbo was able to spot something moving behind the group, tracking them. This suspicion was quickly confirmed as howls began ringing in the forest. The hunters had picked up their trail.   Dashing through the bushes and trees, the party tried desperately to try outrun their pursuers. As the foliage became much denser the party swerved into a downhill and dived into a stream, trying to wash away their scent. They continued on before few of the goblins were able to catch up. To the horrors of all, a long green elongated arm snatched the hunters, and crunched them between its teeth. Standing nearly 12 feet tall, the large green giant was unaware of the party. They dashed past it, but Firbo and Thah were quickly falling behind. Before the creature had time to turn around, Ranvas created a smoke screen to ease their escape.   Eventually the adventurers were able to escape as their pursuers turned back from the edge of the woods. During their return, Firbo had grown silent. He felt as though he was useless and the rest of them wouldn't listen to him, but Dirinor was able to cheer him up before the group reached to the town of Phandalin.   Most of the adventurers collapsed to their respected beds and had their long-awaited rest. Come morn however, things quickly turned sideways;   After having breakfast, the party decided to have some downtime before venturing back to Cragmaw Castle. They split up to do some quick purchases while others maintained their physique by exercising with rocks. When the party regrouped and returned to Stonehill Inn, they discovered that Gundren, their patron that they've saved had been murdered in his bed. The confused group tried to make sense of the chaotic situation, trying to discover tracks or any signs that might lead them to the assassin.   Meanwhile Bene and Ranvas were acting weird. Ranvas had disappeared after breakfast, while Bene was seen in two places at once. The party's suspicion grew more rapidly as Dirinor was attacked by Bene, while Bene was with the rest of the group inside the inn. Before having time to figure out what was going on, Sildar Hallwinter was attacked and nearly killed by a local old farmer. The party turned to accuse their members as well as bystanders, with no clue as to who the real killer might be.   The party regrouped inside the Townmaster's hall and started interrogating Bene and Ranvas, asking personal questions that they thought only the real person would know. During this interrogation, Dei was able to spot another Ranvas walking outside. With quick thinking she ushered the others to tie up the Ranvas with them as she dashed with Dirinor to capture the Ranvas outside.   With an assassin or two on the loose, able to shift their appearance the party has to figure out who among them is the killer. What will they do when they can't differentiate friend from foe? What will happen when they trust the wrong one?  
Ranvas and Bene
The suspicious characters of the game
Anna's Frustation
"Does He Know?"

Rewards Granted

  • Milestone leveled to level 4.
  • Campaign
    Storm King's Thunder
    Bene Lugosi
    Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
    Rogue 1
    10 / 10 HP
    Ranvas Pahrunath
    Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
    Fighter, Gunslinger 1
    14 / 14 HP
    Report Date
    15 Aug 2021
    Primary Location


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