Faerûn Attack of the chardalyn dragon
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Attack of the chardalyn dragon

Disaster / Destruction


Xardorok Sunblight sent his chardalyn dragon construct to destroy all of Ten-Towns. It nearly succeeded, except that through the heroic acts of a small group of adventurer's the towns of Bryn Shander and Targos were saved.

Xardorok Sunblight sent his chardalyn dragon construct to destroy all of Ten-Towns. It nearly succeeded, except that through the heroic acts of a small group of adventurer's (Andove Littlefoot, Kadgrith , Saryeras , and Zinlis Arosath) the dragon was defeated and the towns of Targos and Bryn Shander were saved along with the population of Bremen (who were evacuated in time) and those refugees of the rest of Ten-Towns that made it to shelter in Bryn Shander.

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