We're Here for Beer Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil
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We're Here for Beer

  • 1493 DR

    7 Hammer

    Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign (Start)
    Era beginning/end

    The beginning of the Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign.

    Icewind Dale
    Additional timelines
  • 1493 DR

    8 Hammer

    Andove near-death experience
    Life, Death

    Andove Littlefoot is mauled nearly to death by a cave bear in a verbeeg's lair.

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    Good Mead
  • 1493 DR

    9 Hammer

    Kadgrith for Speaker
    Life, Career

    Kadgrith declares his candidacy for Speaker of Good Mead.

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    Good Mead
  • 1493 DR

    11 Hammer

    Shandar Froth elected Speaker
    Political event

    Shandar Froth is unanimously appointed as Speaker of Good Mead ahead of the election after he and his lumberjacks fend off a bandit attack on the Town Hall.

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    Good Mead
  • 1493 DR

    12 Hammer

    Sephek Kaltro brought to justice
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    We're Here for Beer put the cold-hearted killer, Sephek Kaltro, on ice - well, on fire really as he kept getting back up until they used fire - and bring justice for the victims he killed in Auril The Frostmaiden's name.

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  • 1493 DR

    17 Hammer

    Andove caught in an avalanche
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    While ascending Kelvin’s Cairn in search of a lost expedition, Andove Littlefoot is caught up in an avalanche and plummets 1000 feet and more down the mountainside.   Miraculously, he survived!

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    Kelvin’s Cairn
  • 1493 DR

    20 Hammer

    Perilou Fishfinger rescued
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    We're Here for Beer manage to rescue Perilou Fishfinger from a family of Yeti that had captured her and killed most of the remainder of the ill-fate expedition to Kelvin’s Cairn.

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    Kelvin’s Cairn
  • 1493 DR

    21 Hammer

    Saryeras discovers chardalyn
    Discovery, Exploration

    Digging through the snow at the summit of Kelvin’s Cairn, Saryeras unearths a strange, black, transluscent shard of ice.

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    Kelvin’s Cairn
  • 1493 DR

    24 Hammer

    The hag known as Maud is defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    While searching for the whereabouts of some lost fishermen from Easthaven, We're Here for Beer discover their fate was to become dinner for a hag know as Maud, who had laired in a cave off Lac Dinneshere.

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  • 1493 DR

    25 Hammer

    Kadgrith posessed
    Life, Supernatural

    Kadgrith is posessed by the ghost known as The White Lady. While posessed he attacks the rest of We're Here for Beer, but they are able to drive the spirit from his body.

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  • 1493 DR

    26 Hammer

    Caer-Dineval cleared of Duergar
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    We're Here for Beer arrive to a mostly abandoned Caer-Dineval. After meeting with the interim Speaker, the proceed to clear a rumoured Duergar infestation out of the local inn.

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  • 1493 DR

    27 Hammer

    Nildar Sunblight defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    We're Here for Beer infiltrate the Duergar outpost north of Caer-Dineval and kill the leader of the outpost, Nildar Sunblight. Saryeras acquires more chardalyn.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    27 Hammer

    Duergar rob Easthaven
    Criminal Activity

    Easthaven town hall is robbed, the chardalyn ship's figurehead that was stored there smashed and much of it carried off. Several guards are killed in the process.   While investigating afterwards, We're Here for Beer discover evidence that links the theft to Duergar.

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  • 1493 DR

    30 Hammer

    Kadgrith nearly dies to the Many-Arrows tribe
    Life, Death

    While hunting for the fabled Red Yeti, We're Here for Beer come across another hunting party from the Many-Arrows tribe of orcs. Kadgrith nearly perishes in the fight, but the heroes prevail and Kadgrith survives.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    30 Hammer

    Lost Spire of Netheril discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    While continuing their hunt for the Red Yeti, We're Here for Beer stumble across a mysterious stone spire sticking out of the empty tundra of Icewind Dale. It is, in fact, a spire from the lost city of Ythryn which fell from the city as it crashed into the Reghed Glacier nearly 1500 years ago.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    5 Alturiak

    Saryeras is cursed
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    While eradicating a gnoll threat at the Cackling Chasm, Saryeras picks up a javelin made out of chardalyn and, unbeknownst to the rest of We're Here for Beer becomes cursed from the demonic energies within.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    7 Alturiak

    Xardarok Sunblight defeated
    Military action

    We're Here for Beer enter into an agreement with Grandolpha Muzgardt to overthrow Xardorok Sunblight. In defeating the Duergar Despot, our heroes have lived up to their side of the bargain and, for her part, Grandolpha reverses the expansionist policies of Xardorok and returns her clan to the Underdark.   This achievement put an end to the Duergar threat in Icewind Dale.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    7 Alturiak
    1493 DR

    8 Alturiak

    Attack of the chardalyn dragon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Xardorok Sunblight sent his chardalyn dragon construct to destroy all of Ten-Towns. It nearly succeeded, except that through the heroic acts of a small group of adventurer's the towns of Bryn Shander and Targos were saved.

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  • 1493 DR

    8 Alturiak

    Olivessa Untapoor named Speaker of Glory Mead
    Political event

    In the aftermath of the destruction caused by the chardalyn dragon, We're Here for Beer lobby to rebuild Good Mead as Glory Mead and use their influence as heroes in Ten-Towns to install Olivessa Untapoor as Speaker.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1493 DR

    5 Ches

    Codicil of White stolen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    We're Here for Beer steal the Codicil of White from Auril The Frostmaiden's vault in Grimskalle fortress.

  • 1493 DR

    25 Ches

    Caves of Hunger opened
    Discovery, Exploration

    We're Here for Beer recite the Everlasting Rime from the Codicil of White and open a crack in the Reghed Glacier that leads to the long ago sealed Caves of Hunger.

    Caves of Hunger
  • 1493 DR

    16 Tarsakh

    Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign (End)
    Era beginning/end

    Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign ends.

    Icewind Dale
    Additional timelines


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