Faerûn History of the Forgotten Realms Timeline
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History of the Forgotten Realms

This timeline represents the canon timeline of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

Days of Thunder

The Days of Thunder was an ancient period of Toril's history. This was the time of the fabled creator races, or Iqua-Tel'Quessir in the elven tongue, and many other races still hid in caves

  • -33500 DR

    -31000 DR

    Time of the Batrachi
    Era beginning/end

    The Batrachi Empires rose to power circa −33,500 DR. They out-competed the rising power of the yuan-ti of Mhairshaulk, ensuring they would never achieve the heights of their creators, the sarrukh.

Age of Humanity

This period began with the decline of the elven and dwarven empires and the flourishing and expansion of the Human empires. These new, expanding empires included Calimshan, Imaskar, Jhaamdath, Mezro, Mulhorand, Netheril, Narfell, Raumathar, and Unther.   Of these human empires, that of Netheril represented the genesis of this epoch. Thanks to the discovery of the nether scrolls, they were launched into history. Around −3000 DR, the Archmage Ioulaum raised the first enclave of Netheril, Xinlenal, through his newly fashioned mythallar. However, all of these human empires left their indelible mark on the Realms, and the influence of their actions was felt for centuries afterward, as three of these nations - Calimshan, Mulhorand, and Unther - survived past this era, albeit in forms much different than seen in this epoch.

Present Age

The Present Age was considered one of the most tumultuous ages in the history of Toril. It was a time of constant struggle but also a time of discovery and exploration.   During the first years of the Present Age, Faerûn reestablished trade with Kara-Tur and Zakhara, and the Great Glacier began to retreat, uncovering the realms of Vaasa and Damara. Later, the continent of Maztica was discovered by Amnians. In 1358 DR the most cataclysmic period in Faerûn's history began with the calamitous events of the Time of Troubles and the start of the period known as the Era of Upheaval.   In a period of less that one hundred fifty years, the world of Toril was nearly destroyed, shaken to its core. The political landscape reflected the cosmic state of Realmspace, and while its "reunion" with its long lost twin world, Abeir, was brief, its mark on Toril was significant and enduring, leaving at least three new regions after it departed: Akanûl, Tymanther and Laerakond.