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Lhuvenhead was a village in the Rauvin Vale within Luruar   Lhuvenhead was located along the River Rauvin, forty miles upriver from Everlund along the trail between Everlund and Sundabar. The village was near the communities of Rauvincross, High Hold, and Rivermoot.

Industry & Trade

As a lucrative river town with decrepit docks, Lhuvenhead was crowded with barges and keelboats all year long. A number of inns, taphouses, and festhalls catered to the riverfolk who worked on the Rauvin.

Points of interest

Lhuvenhead Shops and Characters

  Iron Piercer (smithy): Blacksmith which specialises in arrowheads and knives/daggers and also regular horse tack. Run by a young dark bearded dwarf named Punket Ironheart. This store sells arrows, daggers and Horse Tack at 15% off the regular price.
  Herbal Help (alchemist): An overgrown shack seemingly standing from before the orc attack. Run by an old elf named Quina Aedwin. Has 2 Potions of Healing (50gp each) in stock if characters can afford them.
  Dendlin’s Goods (general store): This building looks to have been erected in the past few months. The clean pine wall boards still have the fresh scent of unseasoned wood about them. Inside is a middle aged man by the name of Dendlin Ferbid.
  Ore’s End (Inn): The Ore’s End is a tiny inn sitting beside the village square in Lhuvenhead. Run by a half elf man by the name of Lilt Greenwreath, the inn features two rooms, a common room and a single tapped keg of ale which sits behind a narrow and short bar. Lilt is an extremely affable host who offers you drinks and food as soon as you enter.


The village served as a summer retreat for the nobility of Sundabar and Everlund.
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