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Winter Edge

Winter Edge was a hamlet, Encampment in the Silver Marches of northwest Faerûn


70% Human, 10 % Dwarf, 7% Half Orc, 7% Elf, 3% Half Elf, 3% Various others


Order Of Captains
In the center of the camp is a large pavilion tent. There the commanding officers of the factions gather to discuss necessary events and interests. In private they can settle most situations that arise in the camps. Because of the rotating nature of the troops every few weeks to a month, Its easy enough to send away soldiers who become troublesome. A Ranking Captain of the Argent Legion is always stationed at Winter Edge and is in regular communication with Lord Methramer.


A Tent City, comprised of Military Caravans that come and go, shifting the layout of the camp every few weeks. There are some semi permanent structures where taverns, stages, and merchants set up for extended time. Musicians, jugglers, dancers, performers and harlots make a great deal of coin of the rotating troops. Many come here to Make a name for themselves that will travel back to the towns the soldiers come from.


The districts are closer in alignment to the cities they herald from, though any plot of land that is unoccupied can be settled up by another. there are no land rights in Winter Edge. In the center of camp there are a few smaller tents for paiges who represent the larges embattlements stationed at Winter Edge, so that at almost any time a senior officer can be reached if need be.

Guilds and Factions

Dwarves of Mitheral Hall
Knights of Fellbar
Subrin Knights
Knights in Silver
Argent Legion
Iron Legion of Adbar


Winter Edge gained importance in the autumn of the Year of the Tankard, 1370 DR after King Obould's orc army threatened the dwarves of Mithral Hall. Their allies at Citadel Felbarr marched an army to Winter Edge to aid them, making camp there, and King Bruenor Battlehammer planned to link up with them at the Subrin. Later, in a meeting with Bruenor, Alustriel Silverhand of Silverymoon declared to turn the settlement into a military encampment and channel supplies and soldiers through Silverymoon and Winter's Edge to aid Mithral Hall, and to have Silvermoon's forces relieve Felbarr's.

Points of interest

The Main Pavillion <Center>
The Roost <North>
Vale Watch Tower <South>
The Mission of Tempus<South East>


The hamlet lay west of the Moonwood and east of the River Surbrin, near to Mithral Hall where it lay in the Frost Hills.


Northern Temperate climate, near hills and mountains. Cooler that Silvermoon year round 80º to 45º in Summer and 20º to -30º in Winter
Preformers and erotic entertainers make a small fortune In Winter Edge
Founding Date
700 at any given time. 500 soldiers
Location under
Related Reports (Secondary)

The Mission of Foehammer

  On the Southeast side of the the camp is a Near Permanent encampment, the Mission of Foehammer, The God of War, Tempus. At the camp an Old Human War cleric, and his Knight Protector are ever present to offer guidance, training, and judgment to any who are in need.
"Arahar" Glibsen: Battle-chaplain, of the Broken Blade
"Rauthat" Markuth :Swordmaster, of the Steel Fang