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Session 3 - Grand Prize at the Oracle

General Summary

The next day the party made way to have breakfast at Kaya’s House of Repose in hopes of meeting the man Klevin Van'Sheran spoke of – Soggy Wren. They find the extravagant inn with relative ease and seat themselves for a hardy breakfast. Soon, a drunk man and a Chultan woman are seated at a nearby booth. The man orders himself several ales to start his morning before butting into the party’s conversation to greet the new faces. He introduces himself as Wren and is friendly almost to the point of being annoying. He and the party discuss what brought them to Chult, as well as their dealings with Klevin Van'Sheran and the artifact he was investigating. Soggy Wren, with his companion Nerissa helping to translate through his drunken slurs, informs the group that he and The Harpers have been working with the Ytepka Society to locate a cursed relic known as the Dreamer’s Amulet. Somehow it has found its way into Port Nyanzaru, and had the party not interfered the piece may have ended up in more dangerous hands.
  Wren hopes to discover the source behind the attempt to bring the relic into Port Nyanzaru, as he believes it may be linked to the mysterious Death Curse in some way, but first the other pieces must be located. He informs the party that he has been working with contacts of the other factions to track down the remaining pieces and suggest that they find them and aid them in securing all of the relic’s fragments.
  He directs them to Three new contacts, in addition to Klevin Van'Sheran :
  Pock-Marked Po of The Zhentarim
 Screaming Wind of The Emerald Enclave
Alistair Bol of The Order of the Gauntlet    Following his advice, the party headed for the Old City to contact Pock-Marked Po. They found him living in a ramshackle hut that was surprisingly well decorated on the inside. Filled with glittering trinkets and tapestries, as well as smells of fine oils. Pock-Marked Po’s body had been ravaged by an illness early in his life, leaving his face heavily scarred and one of his eyes nearly blind. With the help of his female servants he stood and greeted the party. They discussed Wren and the search for the Dreamer’s Amulet. Pock-Marked Po informed the group he had a possible lead, but it would require them to enter a competition on his behalf using entry vouchers he secured. They needed to act fast though, as the event was set to take place that afternoon. He agreed to let them keep the grand prize money but wished to keep the perfumes and the Oracle’s Eye gem offered as prizes. The party agreed and set out for the Colosseum to participate in that days competitions under the team name of “The Bladefangs” working for a local merchant named “Tarenbiril” (ancient elven meaning Hideous Prince).   The competition consisted of two events, the first of which was a dinosaur race that pitted The Bladefangs against The Green Vipers. After an intense race, the Bladefangs came out victorious with Esylde winning first place. The party was given a short time to rest and heal, at which point Nerissa approached them. She explained that she was following her own leads on the relic that had led her here, and asked the party to allow her to examine the Oracle’s Eye gem should they win the competition.
  The second event was an arena fight. Modified a bit thanks to the death curse, the fight was to be nonlethal. The Bladefangs found themselves up against a Kenku named Slicer and his trained dinosaurs, a pair of velociraptors and a Deinonychus. It was a difficult fight where the arena itself lashed out with vines forcing the combatants to keep in the center of the arena. Ultimately, the party won and claimed their prize as victors of the Colosseum that day. As discussed, they allowed Nerissa to inspect the Oracle’s Eye. She informed them that she believes the metallic piece that holds the Gem is part of the relic. The party takes their prize winnings and returns to Pock-Marked Po. As agreed, they give him the perfumes and poultices, but ask that he take a look at the gem and if possible return the piece of the relic. He obliges and removes the gem, which he keeps, before returning the metallic base to the party. As a reward he also provides the party with a potion of healing before they returned to Kaya’s House of Repose to discuss further with Soggy Wren.

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Report Date
17 Oct 2020
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