Emma Casey

Emma Casey is the owner of the Token Hotel, buying it from its previous owner in 2298 after winnning big in Gomorrah. Emma was born and raised in freeside during the 2270s, she spent most of her teenage years watching New Vegas explode into the metropolis that is is today. Emma eventually plunged herself into gambling, progressively making it a legitmate profession, taking part in card tounraments at almost every Casino. No jackpot was as high as Gomorroh's was in 2297, sitting pretty at 12 million caps after the Omertas' house player won the previous year, and the family decided to add it to the next pot, confident that their player would win again. THis would lead to Emma almost getting killed in her room after the tournament. Thankfully she knew better, and had booked a room in the Lucky 38 Casino. After the tournament, and the Omertas' eventually agreeing to not take action against her, Emma decided to find a far safer career, and would buy the Token Hotel from its original, elderly owner. Since then the Token Hotel has become a reasonably priced stop for the average tourist. With 22 stories of 20 rooms each, save the top floor with four penthouses. Emma recently begun experimenting in gambling, by trying to open a casino on the first floor. While the casino itself was projected to perform very well, there were significant hurdles to overcome in order to get it running. The first being that the hotel would need to start giving 20% of its earnings to the government, as casinos are the only taxed business in the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, but the second was that casinos are run by "families" which act as mafias, and were the rulers of vegas proper, all acting with the permission of the Courier himself, who is the overlord of Vegas, and the dictator of the nation. While Emma quickly acclimated to the tax, finding a family eluded her, and even into the new century, she still relied on hired muscle to act as a powerbase.
Year of Birth
2272 AD 28 Years old
Short, Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
130 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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