
The Courier is the Dictator of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, an Anarcho-Libertarian State inside the Mojave Wasteland  Prior to his run in with the former head of the Chairmen in 2281, his life is mostly unknown, due to amnesia suffered from a bullet to the head. The only real facts from his past is that he was a courier between New California Republic and the Mojave, even visiting the Divide regularly, as well as Montana sometime in 2262 or 63, and had a brief relationship with a local woman in Great Falls.    Sometime in 2281, he was contracted to take a Robert House's Platinum Chip from Primm to New Vegas. This journey ended up being what changed his life, taken on the side of the road, he was shot in the head outside Goodsprings, and buried in a shallow grave. A Local Securitron witnessed this, dug him up, and took him to the local doctor. Miraculously, he survived, and went on a mission of vengeance, against those who shot him, and to retrieve his charge: the Platinum Chip. This journey, while only last two months, took him back to the Divide, to Zion, the Sierra Madre, across the Mojave, and another undisclosed location he refuses to talk about. Whatever he experienced in these locations changed him, and left him with a massive power base of loyal people, including the Enclave Remnants, and the Boomers of Nellis.   When he finally set foot in New Vegas he went straight to the Tops Hotel & Casino, and after his would-be murderer. Presenting evidence of their leaders crimes against him, and the city of Vegas, the Chairmen sided with him, and Benny died in his hotel room, from a bullet to the head. From there, the Courier took the Chip, and an odd Securitron, to the Lucky 38 Casino to speak with Mr. House. While he was in there, House died, and the Courier claimed overlordship of Vegas. Following this, the Courier travelled to the Legion Fort, and spoke at length with Caesar, the two discussed the failing of the NCR repeatedly, but agreed on little else. Following this conversation, the Courier was tasked with destroying whatever bunker House had constructed beneath the hill the Caesar had built his fort on, and succeeded. At least that's what Caesar believed. In reality the Courier reactivated the Securitron Foundry there, and updated their software and hardware, transitioning them from mere robots to full blown weapons platforms.   Following this, the Courier gained the loyalty of the White Glove Society, and through various investigations, and execution of their leaders, Nero and Sal, the Omertas as well, who very nearly sided with Caesar's Legion. From their, he went to Jacobstown, and then onto Red Rock canyon, where the Great Khans were located. The Courier severed the Khans' ties with Caesar, and had them relocate to Wyoming with the help of the Followers of the Apocalypse. After this the Courier stopped the assassination of NCR President Aaron Kimball at Hoover Dam, and and began the renovations of New Vegas.   This continued until December 15th, when Caesar ordered his troops to assault the Dam. Acting quickly, the Courier mobilized his own forces, and let the NCR and Legion push at each other until they reached the breaking point, and the NCR clearly began to lose. At that moment, the new Vegas Air Army from Nellis bombed the Legion Troops, Caesar's Fort erupted in flames as the Securitrons beneath him emerged, and the Courier inserted himself on the Dam along with his companions and the Enclave Remnants. The Battle was brief, but very brutal, through this show of force, and persuasion, he convinced Lanius to flee back to Arizona, and the day was won. When General Lee Oliver approached the Courier, he spoke of an NCR Victory, and even said "I could use a hundred men like you, and just scatter them across the wasteland." That was when the Securitron Army arrived, and the Courier explained that Vegas had won the day itself, and that the Mojave was now under his protection. Oliver who was beside himself, argued with the courier, trying to explain the hardships of building a frontier, and nation, to which the Courier answered: "I've already started, and I'm doing better than you."   A few days later the NCR Senate intervened, and forced the NCR Military to withdraw from the Mojave. And negotiations with the newly independent Vegas began. The Courier took representatives from Jacobstown, Novac, Primm, Boulder City, and Nellis, and met the NCR Diplomats inside the Presidential Conference Room of the Lucky 38, and it was here that the treaty of New Vegas was signed. The treaty stated that the NCR could still have 90% of the power and water from the Dam, but had to pay for it, the NCR Military could no longer garrison the Mojave, NCR personnel and citizens could not carry weapons when visiting the Vegas Strip, and the NCR could not stop its citizens from visiting New Vegas as tourists, or stop its companies from doing business in the Mojave either. This one-sided treaty heavily favored the Mojave, and truly marked the Mojave Campaign as a failure for the people of the NCR. But this was anticipated, and the blame was placed on Kimball, Oliver, and Hanlon, not on the dream city of Vegas.    A few weeks after the treaty was signed, the same Mojave Representatives and the Courier, forged the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. This state is based off of Anarcho-Libertarianism, with no such thing as contraband, and very little laws, only those necessary to the basic safety of a state and it people. Each city and town inside the FEZ does not answer to Vegas, and instead decides its own fate, but is protected by the Mojave Military. The only tax in the nation is levied against the highly profitable casinos, and the mobs and casino families cannot charge protection fees against locals or their businesses.    At this same time the NCR disbanded its Rangers, leaving hundreds of Rangers in the Mojave, with nothing left to do but return in disgrace. Seeing an opportunity, the Courier offered these folks an alternative: the Mojave Rangers, with better pay, better equipment, and no government red tape. Almost all of these Rangers accepted.    After this, the Courier's main focus was infrastructure and Industry, by 2285, his new capital had included the surrounding neighborhoods, and the walls of Vegas surrounded Westside, Freeside, and Northside. At the same time an Industrial District cropped up to the south of the city, along with companies throughout the Mojave. One of these companies, Destek, was a gift from the courier to an old friend, Christopher Haversom, supposedly for an owed favor. Which ended up being a very successful investment, as Destek invented solar-steam engines, and bring an affordable railroad to the Mojave, which will most likely have every major settlement on the rail by 2310. In the 2290's the Industrial renaissance continued exponentially, including further mining operations, and the founding of frontier towns like Indiana and Gold. Under the Courier's guidance, the Mojave has become an economic and industrial powerhouse. Whether or not it will outlast him, is another question entirely.
Current Location
Early fifties possibly
Date of Birth
Younger than he should be
Dirty Blonde, neat and combed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian, Tanned
6' 7"
150 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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