Seth Marshton

Seth Marshton was the former addict, turned CEO of Chemico. Born before the Great War of 2077, Seth grew up in the old world, eventually becoming a chemist, only to see it burn in nuclear fire. Seth himself did not escape unscathed either, as the intense rediation the was inflicted upon him caused his cells to stop growing. This process, was not unique to him, as he found himself now a part of an entirely new species, known as Ghouls. Defined by the loss of skin, hair, minor organs, and the ceasing of ageing.   This rapid transformation in the months after the bombs caused Seth to spiral into a severe depression, stuck forever in a decrepit body. What terrified him more, was the prospect of going feral, as eventually all ghouls will. For some it happens in months, others are still waiting centuries later, but it hangs like a dark cloud over every ghoul. To deal with this mental spiral, Seth turned to drugs, eventually pouring his entire savings into them. When bottle caps became the new money, he began doing odd jobs for drug cartels and raiders to fund his addiction.   Around 2260 things took a dramatic turn, as after almost 200 years his tolerance had gotten to the point wher ehe no longer felt anything. This lead to him experimenting with Jet and Marijuana, more specifically their chemical compositions. By the 2280s his experiments were showing up across the Mojave, but still nothing could really break through his, or any other ghoul's, centuries-old tolerance.   His breakthrough came in 2294, when he perfected his drug, Nitro. It spread like wildfire across the Southwest, making him rich. He would go on to found Chemico, a legitimate lab outside of Vegas to pruduce his product. Unfortunately, Nitro overdoses would start appearing across the city of New Vegas, despite Seth's original calculations that overdosing would be nigh impossible. What he eventually discovered was that Nitro itself was not the singular issue, but the act of mixing it with alcohol or other chems would cause it to bind with not only these new substances, but also the users blood cells. The result would be near instant blood clotting, and rapid, repeating heart attacks, and strokes. Eventually protests would begin to form outside his lab. This would cause Seth to fall into an even deeper depression, until in 2297, when he was discovered in his office with Nitro and Vodka, apparently having combined the two on purpose, leading to death. Despite his chemistry genius, Seth is remembered as a troubled soul, that chemico likes to brush under the rug.
2048 AD 2297 AD 249 years old
Yeloow, Bloodshot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rotten Flesh, skinless
5' 7"
120 lbs.


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