(Organisation) Wells Fargo Organization in Farrah | World Anvil
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(Organisation) Wells Fargo

A bank and para-millitary organisation founded by Occam in 482 AQ in Levinas. The bank quickly spread across Farrah, lending and investing in numerous industries. The bank provided financing to the military of Farrah. It also provided funding for the Occam's Razors, groups of agents loyal to Occam who, with authority granted by the crown, enforced laws, hunted criminals, slew monsters and pursued Occam's agenda across Farrah.   Wells Fargo had numerous powerful magical defences on its branches, with staff placed there who did not have enough power or influence to betray the bank or allow access to its deeper secrets. The shadowy organisation operated with minimal losses resulting from theft, fraud and truancy. Any defaults on loans or robberies were swiftly corrected by the Razors, ensuring that future customers take more care to pay the bank its due.   Wells Fargo was dissolved by Queen Stephanie in 518 AQ following the burning of Quisling and the blame being placed on the Razors of Quisling (PC Group). Public outrage and Occam vanishing in the third battle of Chixculub left Stephanie with a hated organisation over which she exercised dubious levels of control. Knowing the economy would suffer greatly, Stephanie still made the hard choice of ending Wells Fargo and with it the support for the Razors who had kept Farrah safe for 3 decades.

No official relationship

Both these organisations waged underground, influence wars against each other.

No conflict

Wells Fargo and the Advengerers clashed frequently, though the Advengerers were often unaware of whose proxies they were fighting.

Actively hunted each other before Wells Fargo collapsed

Before the collapse of Wells Fargo these groups would actively hunt each other down and attack each other where able.

Wells Fargo actively hunted Seventhy Symphony


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