Aradis in Felidra | World Anvil
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Aradis is one of the three Great Powers of Felidra. It's capital is Imbar . The Aradi people have a strong spiritual relationship with water. The lands of Aradis are covered in lakes, ponds and streams, feeding into the Azarae and Aotis rivers. River folk and sailors on the Dragonmaw Sea, the Aradi believe in freedom above all else, although many find themselves trading it for the glint of gold.   The military, which also acts as guardsmen within the larger cities, are known as the Presidiare. They have two sub-categories, the Cavallo, which makes up the Cavalry, and the Sanare, the battle-mages. The Sanare are also sometimes called the Purifiers for their extensive use of fire. The Aradis navy are known as the Merchant Privateers.   It is bordered to the north and northwest by the Capra Mountains. To the west and soutwest it shares a border with Sagramoor, demarcated by the Aotus River. To the east, it borders the Serpent Scar.


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