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Confederacy of Byrwed

Byrwed is considered to be one of the most egalitarian countries to have ever existed. Its prosperity comes from trade and its skilled artisans.   General information Language: Halfling, Dwarvish, common Demographics: mostly halfling with some elves and dwarves Major settlements: Bythra Major allies: Kingdom of Darelia, Kingdom of Etharia Major rivals: Arfen, Fridtun   Government organization Leader: President Morwenna Rosbert Secondary leader: Vice President Benis Brown Governmental bodies: Lead by a selection of delegates from each clan   Military No standing army- Byrwed relies heavily on Dern to protect its southern border.   Economy Major Imports: wine, fruits, cheese Major exports: Tobacco, ale, grain, herbs Food: Simple food is popular, with roasts and porridge being staples.   Religion Main Deity: Rayna Secondary Deity: Reia   Art, Architecture, & Literature Defining architectural features: Low, wooden construction, usually half-timbered and simple.   Geography Major cities: Bythra   History Founding info: the Confederacy was formed when the halfing colonies broke from the Kingdom of Arfe
Political, Confederation

Articles under Confederacy of Byrwed


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