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Republic of Golya

General Information

Languages: Common, Golyan, Goliath, Elvish   Demographics: Primarily human but some Goliaths, Elves and Dwarves. A few halflings travel here and a few fey creatures from Moriga.   Major Settlements: Golya, Zaliv Lukan   Major Allies: the Duchy of Dern, the Tribes of the Ram   Major Rivals: the Kingdom of Bek  


Leader: Prime Minister Bozidar Svetlos   Secondary Leader: Chancellor Marketa Maronva   Governing Body: A Senate of 40 elected officials govern the country. Everyone over the age of 16 may vote, as long as they are citizens of Golya and have sworn an oath of loyalty to their country and countrymen.   Military: The Golyans have mandatory military training for anyone over age 16, for a period of at least five years, with a few exceptions.    


  Major Exports: Vodka, Furs, Lumber, Wool   Major Imports: Wheat, Spices, Wine   Food: Cabbage, Rye, and vegetables are common as is mutton and pork  


    Major Deity: Rayna and Irdal Secondary Deity: Aohr and Phaerean  

Art,. Architecture, and Literature

    Building are simple, mostly composed of wood, and generally less complex than their neighbors due to the harsh environment and influence from their Goliath neighbors while art is typically stylized and often gilded. Their most famous piece of literature is the Song of Defiance, a long poem about the Golyan resistance against the Bekian Empire.  


  Major Landforms: Golyan Plain, Golya River


Geopolitical, Republic

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